WHAT WAS BUSHS VICTORY IS NOW OBAMAS FAILURE Because Pres Bush didnt performed the duties of president via the gallup poll he tended to ruffle a lot of feathers soley on the basis that he listened to his cabinet and generals about the best way to proceed using his JUDGEMENT. In case people have forgotten that is why you elect people to represent you, to use their best JUDGEMENT to make a decision by studying the situation based on facts. In my prior post, I post Bushs 2007 comments about what he said would happen if the US pulled out of IRAQ too soon. All US victories would be lost and Al Qeada or something worse [ISIS] would come back to take its place. NOW ENTER BARAK OBAMA.... He doesnt listen to his military generals or his OWN advisors who told him to keep a military presence in IRAQ. Because Obama has such military tactical theory knowledge...... Actually, its a liberal cornerstone belief that if you leave a certain area, they wont bother you in return.. Obama didnt make this JUDGEMENT based on study, but on a campaign promise he foolishy made to the public that he would leave IRAQ. And he followed through, using the cover that we werent able to land a SOFA agreement as the reason, but turns right around and declares he is out of IRAQ and how happy we should all be. NOW ENTER 2014........ IRAQ has gone to hell in a handbasket.. [literally] With the formation of Al Qeada off shoot ISIS who has taken over approximately half of the country of IRAQ and some of SYRIA and has declared a terrorist state. OBAMAS RESPONSE............ ISIS is Junior Varsity, ISIS is a regional threat... Then.. He doesnt have one.. Not even a strategy to speak of.. But you would think after being warned for over a year about ISIS, that somebody wouldve told him Hey... Maybe you should put a lil something together in case ISIS makes a big stink. Now, the polls are bad for Obama... VERY BAD.. Some even challenging his intelligence in foriegn policy. And in liberal code, bad polls means bad turn out for an election.. SO.. Something has to be done to straightened this out.. So, somebody came up with the bright idea to give a prime time speech on Obamas NEW STRATEGY on ISIS to degrade and destroy. AND HERE WE GO... Obama gets on TV and says: This is a core principle of my presidency: if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven. WOW!! I am sure the folks in Benghazi are still LAUGHING AT THAT ONE.. But at least its a better principle than, dont do stupid stuff. His speech was chucked full of the same familiar Obama lines, that it literally gives me weeks of subjects to speak about concerning this president. But I have said all of this to make this point... IF OBAMA WOULDVE LISTENED TO HIS PEOPLE FROM THE BEGINNING.. IRAQ WOULDNT BE IN THE CONDITION IT IS IN TODAY..
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:45:19 +0000

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