“WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET” (Part 2) We can see from part - TopicsExpress


“WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET” (Part 2) We can see from part 1. That it is very important to walk up-right, because your walk is not about YOU! Especially, if you are a BORN-AGAIN-CHRISTIAN! People today are not READING the Bible, what they ARE reading is YOU!! In the book of Genesis it says, “In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And God said “Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the “Light” that it was good: and God divided the “Light” from the DARKNESS. These lights here in these chapters are talking about the “light, being Jesus” in chapter 14, when God spoke about the light AGAIN, he was talking about the “Elements!” the light being Jesus, is “representation” of how we are to be the “LIGHT” of the world! So, when people do SEE us or READ us they should be able to SEE Christ THROUGH you, ESPECIALLY if you are “Born-Again” Amen? Remember the song that we sing; “This little LIGHT of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!” how can people who are in darkness see your light when you have one foot in and the other out? This bring “Confusion” (I told you to remember this word) God is not the author of “CONFUSION”, you KNOW who is! God wants to perfect us to get us closer to the likeness of his son! “YOU CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTER’S” you’ll LOVE one, and up HATING the other! You cannot have one foot in the Kingdom, and be “IN-THE-BOOTH-IN-THE-BACK-IN-THE-CORNER-IN-THE-DARK!” Scripture tells us to “let your YES be simply YES, and your NO be simply NO: anything more than that comes from the “EVIL ONE” (Matt. 5: 37) Once we become “BORN-AGAIN” we have to LEARN, be TAUGHT how to put off the “OLD MAN, and PUT ON THE NEW” The only way this can happen is you have to “RENEW” your mind! Get rid of that OLD-WAY-OF-THINKING” That STINKING-THINKING! Scripture tells us in 1 Peter 1: 13, “Therefore, with MINDS that are ALERT and fully SOBER (remember THIS word), set your hope on the GRACE to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As OBEDIENT children, do not conform to the EVIL desires you HAD when you lived in IGNORANCE. But just as he who CALLED you is holy, so be holy in ALL you do; for it is WRITTEN be HOLY because I am holy” This walk of FAITH is a walk concerning “RELATIONSHIPS” and technology today does not ALLOW that! When God created the world and us, he created it for relational purposes only, in other words, to have fellowship among each other! (Check this out), “Let each of you esteem and LOOK upon and be CONCERNED for not merely his OWN interests, but also each for the interests of OTHERS. Let this SAME ATTITUDE and PURPOSE and HUMBLE MIND be in you which was in Christ Jesus: let him be your example in humility” Scripture also tells us, “For who has known or understand the MIND, the COUNSELS, and the purposes of the Lord so as to GUIDE and to INSTRUCT him and give him KNOWLEDGE? But (say but) but we have the mind of Christ the Messiah and do hold the THOUGHTS, FEELINGS and PURPOSES of his heart!” I asked you to remember the word SOBER! This last month of the year is going to bring joy, insurmountable love, happiness, and FORGIVENESS to those who embrace it! Being SOBER for those who are BORN-AGAIN will be a TRUE reward for you! Of course, if you are not born-again, go on live like your daddy SATAN! Scripture says, “Be SOBER, VIGILANT and ALERT! Because that “Ole’-Slew-Footed-Rascal” is roaming around to see who he can DEVOUR, kill, steal and destroy! For you who are “BORN-AGAIN” this cannot be done without the help of the HOLY SPIRIT! “Finally, be strong in the LORD and his MIGHTY POWER. Put on the FULL armor of God, so that you can take your STAND against the DEVIL’S schemes. For our struggle is not against FLESH and BLOOD, but against the rulers, authorities, powers, of this WORLD, and against the SPIRITUAL forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” I heard something in one of many westerns that I watched, which goes something like this, John Wayne had offered a young lady a drink of whiskey, and this is what she told him, “I will not put a THIEF into my mouth to STEAL my brains” MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 14:27:49 +0000

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