WHEN JESUS SHOWS UP PART 1 Written by James Ogunyemi It’s a - TopicsExpress


WHEN JESUS SHOWS UP PART 1 Written by James Ogunyemi It’s a tragedy to get up out of your bed and come to a place of worship every Sunday and never experience the presence the power and the presence of God – that’s a real tragedy. But if the truth be told, I believe that that is a trend that is fast becoming the order of the day in many of our so called churches today. Church is not what it used to be – one time ago our grand-parents and those who went before us, even though they didn’t have cushion pews, air conditions and all the sophistication of music, sound system, and other technological aids, one thing I do remember is that they had a genuine love and sincerity for the things of God and for the worship of God, but we losing that by the day and what has replaced it for the most part is a form of godliness and a performance based worship where folks are seeking first and foremost to please and satisfy themselves while failing to remember that worship is about God and God alone. And so my brothers and sister, we who are here must do all that we can to avoid that kind of spirit, especially in this day and age when everything around us is falling apart and nothing much seems to make sense anymore. The Church of the living God cannot become a playground where people come to hang out on Sunday for two hours or so then go back home to eat peas and rice….. If ever a time we need the power and the presence of God is now. Yes we are doing a lot of things right but if those things are void of the power of the Holy Spirit then we are no better off than the rotary or Toast masters clubs that meet weekly just the way we do. I don’t know about you, but at this stage of my Christian journey, I can’t settle for a just “casual – like everyone else” kind of Christianity – a mediocre kind of praise and a getting by kind of worship. I don’t know about you but God has been good to me, he has done great things in my life and I haven’t come this far to settle for just business as usual, I want to experience the power of God every time I enter into church doors Shalom.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 21:50:11 +0000

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