WHEN THE LAST TEAR DROP FALLS IN A CINCINNATI SAGA A NEW TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND WORD NOVEL I HAVE JUST FINISHED WRITING IS SOON TO BE ON THE PUBLISHERS DESK.HERE IS AN INTRODUCTION. Like a badge of honor Dee Reany proudly wears each wrinkle line that have been etched into his face over time and now bares witness to his blue -collared life. Glimpses of his lost youth can still occasionally be seen in the confidence of Dees look, the gait of his stride, and heard through the rich warm vigor of his voice. His life is defined by three basic principles. Love your family, love your neighbor, and love your country. Codifies that provide him the sustenance he needs to live. Each of Dees ten children believe, and with good reason that they and they alone are his chosen favorite. He is blessed with that rare ability to make people feel that special. To have ten children who worship the ground you walk on is no small accomplishment for a simple man of modest means. His birthday is two days away. He will be sixty -nine years old.Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Yesterday his doctors told him he is dying, and has at most just six months to live. Dying does not frighten Dee, as he has faced death before. When news of his illness reaches his children, who are scattered about the country living their lives, it rattles their world, and one by one they return home to face a new reality, and to celebrate not only a birthday, they come home to celebrate a life.They also try to find the answer of how a relatively undistinguished man can elicit so much raw emotion, love, and loyalty from not only his family, but his many friends as well. Their answer comes when one son notices a small forgotten prized possession of Dees, and convinces his father to tell the story of its origin. Dees story takes everyone back to a simpler time in history. To a day in time when he once rubbed shoulders with greatness, and in the process played a significant role in establishing one of major league baseballs most storied, and unbreakable records. The record is set over five memorable days June of 1938.At a time when ten year old Dee comes face to face with one of Adolph Hitlers feared SS men, hell bent on homicide. To make matters worst, it is also the week that Dee confronts an old foe in an effort to seek satisfaction. Not only for himself, satisfaction for his best friend Jimmy, who lost his life to this Nemesis, this foe, this river they call the ...Ohio. If he could not find satisfaction, Dee would be willing to accept resolution. To fully understand his story, Dee takes his children back even further in time and introduces them to three families, whose arrival in Cincinnati, from Montana, Germany, and England, ignited all the events leading up to those five days in June. Follow Peter Werhmamn,the young sausage king as he makes the journey from his home in Nuremberg, Germany, to Cincinnati, Ohio, to build his business, and to live in the land of the free .Meet Cuckoo LaRue, a God fearing prizefighter from London, England. A private man who loves his wife Brandy, and is also a man whose actions caused the deaths of millions of men, women, and children. Get to know Ranch Murray, a cowboy from Montana. The ultimate loaner. Right up until he met the very pretty Mary Werhmamn.Ranch, who first came to Cincinnati at age 14 to play baseball for the Cincinnati Reds, and then unexpectedly became a war hero. Know and understand these people, and their connection to Dee, and only then will his children have thier answers...Only then will they see THE LAST TEAR DROP FALL IN A CINCINNATI SAGA
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 13:40:10 +0000

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