WHEN YOU ENLARGE THE PHOTOGRAPH OF THE EBOLI VIRUS YOU CAN SEE HEADS AND TUBING AND WHEN I PHOTOGRAPH WORMS THEY HAVE AND ARE HEADS, TUBING, EGGS, ETC, IS EBOLI VIRUS A WORM WITH HEADS AND TUBING AND LOOKS LIKE EGGS AND HEADS, AROUND THE WORMS, THE CRIMINALS ARE USING HEADS IN THERE CELLS AND. THE CRIMINALS ALSO USE OUT OF ROOF VENTS FUNGI AND MOLDS WITH THERE WORMS, PARASITES, CELLS, AND. ON THE POSTER SHOULD BE SPANISH, GARCIASS, ROSASS, CARDENASS, ASIANS AND, Getty Images Ebola virus (Reuters) - A man who flew from Liberia to Texas has become the first patient infected with the deadly Ebola virus to be diagnosed in the United States, health officials said on Tuesday, a sign the outbreak ravaging West Africa may spread globally. The patient sought treatment six days after arriving in Texas on Sept. 20, Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), told reporters. He was admitted two days later to an isolation room at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. U.S. health officials and lawmakers have been bracing for the eventuality that a patient would arrive on U.S. shores undetected, testing the preparedness of the nations healthcare system. On Tuesday, Frieden and other health authorities said they were taking every step possible to ensure the virus did not spread widely. It is certainly possible someone who had contact with this individual could develop Ebola in the coming weeks, Frieden told a news conference. I have no doubt we will stop this in its tracks in the United States. Frieden said a handful of people, mostly family members, may have been exposed to the patient after he fell ill and that health authorities were tracking down anyone who might have had contact with the man. He said there was likely no threat to any airline passengers because the patient had no symptoms during his flight. Asked whether the patient was a U.S. citizen, Frieden described the person as a visitor to family in the country. At least 3,091 people have died from Ebola in the worst outbreak on record that has been ravaging Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea in West Africa. More than 6,500 cases have been diagnosed, and the CDC has warned that the number of infections could rise to as many as 1.4 million people by early next year without a massive global intervention to contain the virus. U.S. hospitals have treated, and released, three aid workers who were infected in Africa and flown back to the United States under strict medical supervision in a specially outfitted airplane.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 01:11:25 +0000

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