WHERE ARE THE TRUE ESTHERS WHO ARE WILLING TO RISK IT ALL. Esther was PRE-DESTINED BY GOD to be in that Palace for MORE than just some pampering and the Good Life. SHE HAD A PURPOSE THERE. SHE HAD AN ASSIGNMENT TO FULFILL. After all she endured, there was so much more Purpose behind her PAST PAIN. Her process taught her how to be a HUMBLE servant, even as a Queen. And this, was still a set up from Heaven, so she could work her position of FAVOR for Gods GREATER purpose, not her OWN. WHY DO YOU NEED TO BE IN THE PALACE, IF YOU HAVE NO ASSIGNMENT TO FULFILL??? ARE YOU REALLY A SERVANT AT HEART? GOD IS TESTING...!!! Deuteronomy 8:2 And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to HUMBLE YOU and TEST YOU, to know what was in YOUR HEART, whether you would keep His commandments.....or NOT. EVERYONE WANTS THE ROYALTY, BUT ***FEW**** WANT THE WORK IT TAKES TO HAVE IT, MAINTAIN IT AND TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES....!!! iS THAT YOUR STANCE? ARE YOU WILLING??? ITS TWO FOLD. GOD GETS WHAT HE WANTS AND SO DO YOU IN THIS You have to do this thing, HIS way, not yours. Esther had to listen to Mordecai, Ruth had to listen to Naomi. Keep thinking you know it all, and YOU will miss the Greater plan. Humble yourself in the midst of THAT THING, and obey Him. THIS IS NOT YOUR PLAN, ITS HIS. (Jeremiah 29:11) Yield, yield, Yield. ITS WORKING FOR YOUR GOOD......SO BE DILIGENT IN YOUR ASSIGNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 04:59:11 +0000

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