WHO AUTHORED SIKUSINJA NDI GWENEMBE BOOK? The governing Peoples - TopicsExpress


WHO AUTHORED SIKUSINJA NDI GWENEMBE BOOK? The governing Peoples Party (PP) Presidential running mate, Sostain Gwengwe has introduced his parents as Mr Alfred and Mrs Alice Gwengwe. In his introduction, the running mate has reminded Malawians that his father, Mr Alfred Gwengwe is the author of the famous Sikusinja Ndi Gwenembe book that he claims was being read in primary schools between the 1980s and 90s. However, our investigations have established that the Sikusinja Ndi Gwenembe book that the PP running mate is claiming was in fact authored by late Mr John W. Gwengwe, Publisher Malaŵi Publications and Literature Bureau, 1975 Length 108 pages and it was being used in secondary schools and not primary schools. Malawians will recall that last year, interim President Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda also claimed her father, the late Grey Mtila was the first African music teacher at the elite Kamuzu Academy in the central region district of Kasungu. However, Mrs Joyce Bandas claims were dismissed by the Kamuzu Academy authorities and academia as total lies. So who exactly authored Sikusinja Ndi Gwenembe? Are we seeing another of his many apologies from Sostain Gwengwe? Achoke! Achoke! Achoke!!!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 07:38:42 +0000

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