WHO WOULD BE INTERESTED IN THIS?? EVEN IF YOU HAVE A WARMER YOU STILL CAN PARTICIPATE!!! How would you like a new wickless fragrance each week that is just as potent as a candle burning in your home? Join my A Pod A Week Club and youll never do without. You will always have a scent on hand! No sign up costs either!!! Here’s how it works? * First you select your Scent Pod Warmer with automatic timer to purchase for your first month of joining. * Your first scent pod of your choice is MY TREAT! * Email or Call me your Scent Pod Warmer order with your Free Pod Choice * Every month thereafter, all orders along with payment need to be in to me by the 5th of the month. 4 scent pods of your choice. Delivery will be around the 20th each month. * EMTs/Cheques/Cash/Visa or Mastercard payments are accepted. Our scent pods last an average of 20+ hours per pod. Thats an average of 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. With our automatic timers, you can set your pod to turn off and make it last to the very last scent. Then toss the used pod and replace it with another one you have on hand! You will never do without!!! And you never have to pour, scrape or freeze out old wax! Gold Canyon Candles is the only Company on the market with an electronic timer and patent-pending technology! Now...the unbelievable part! I offer my A Pod A Week club members FREE Shipping which is a 10% discount on their scent pod orders, only. For the low price of $30.00 (tax included) a month you will have 80 hours of wickless scents in your home.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 22:58:16 +0000

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