WHY ACCORD PARTY WILL WIN IN OYO STATE: Im quite aware that this - TopicsExpress


WHY ACCORD PARTY WILL WIN IN OYO STATE: Im quite aware that this write-up will raise eyebrows from some quarters, particularly from people with opposing views from other political parties. I need not be told that some in their naiveness & short sightedness will call me names like doomsday soothsayer, Prophet of doom, stooge & whatever, while Im not bothered or mindful of such labels, let it be known that the truth must be spoken at all times even if your voice is drowned by cacophony of dissent & rancour that sometimes trail such literary interventions. I will try as much as possible not to gleefully give fillip to falsehood in this write-up, I will be much objective & be fair to all & sundry.. I promise you all that all my followers who have so much trust & belief in my write-ups will not accuse me of committing perfidy or treachery in the context of this reportage. I am a pundit, not just in subject of politics, but in mostly all subjects. Why? Because Im a trained Sociologists & we are known as Jack of all trade, master of all. Whenever I pontificate on an issue, I do it concisely & with much precision. I am not writing this to curry any favor & neither am I doing this to satisfy any gusto for filthy lucre, Accord Party will win the next general election in 2015 convincingly( mark my word). I predicted the outcome of the elections in Osun & Ekiti States with much certainty on this page & this will not be an exception. I dont write or make prediction on sentiments, I collate datas & informations, analyse public opinions, available statistics & evidences, credentials & antecedents, all these formed to determine my prediction. I have never gotten it wrong. Back to the matter & still on the matter, why will Accord Party with Senator Rasheed. Adewolu Ladoja & others as candidates win the next election? I will poke nose into the affairs of other political parties in Oyo State viz-a-viz their antecedents, the current performance of the present administration to prove my findings & deliver my judgement. 1. It is mere sophistry at the very best & pulling the wool over our eyes at worst to say that APC have performed creditably well in Oyo State considering the enormous material & financial resources that accrued to the present administration in the last 35 months. APC case in Oyo State is that of a soory case. 2. APC, with the plethora of its bigwigs migrating & defecting on a daily basis to other political parties in the state to seek refuge, with Accord Party as the major beneficiary need not be told that winning the next general election is out of their reach. 3. The prognosis for APC in Oyo State today is not the same as it was in 2011 when the people of the state felt the Party will bring the much needed change. APC have rather chose to unleash untold hardships on the people e.g Apete, Awotan community in Idi local government, Oluyole Estate & others a case study. 4. It is foolhardy & will amount to taking unnecessary risks to vote PDP into power in Oyo State again when you critically look into the past administration of PDP in the state. People of Oyo State are not naïve like the people of Ekiti State & their travails & nasty experiences during PDP reign is still very much intact in their memories. 5. PDP cannot win Oyo State with any of the candidates on its platform. The most popular & the one with relatively strong support base & followership in the person of Adebayo Alao Akala had since lost it in Oyo State. Oyo people now know better to vote for a credible candidate rather than a garrison commander. 6. Labour Party that would been given consideration alongside Accord Party in Oyo State have failed all these while at their national level to capitalise on the monumental achievements of Mimiko of Ondo State who recently announced his defection back to PDP, to woo credible people into their folds in Oyo State. 7. Labour Party have failed to harness the importance of labour unions as this is evident in the refusal of the labour unions to embrace the party as their own movement. Labour Party would have been a party to beat in the state if the entire labour organisations in the country had embraced it as their own movement. Labour Party is dead politically in Oyo State. 8. Accord Party is fast growing in Oyo State with the continue defection of political bigwigs from other parties to the party. The party have grown in strenght & numbers & going by this magnitude, the chances of the party in 2015 general elections are getting clearer & brighter. 9. Senator Rashhed Ladoja remain the only credible with strong grassroots support base, large followership, formidable structures among all the governorship aspirants in the state. 10. Oyo people are tired of APC insensitivity to the plights of the common man, Oyo people have had enough of PDP political bringandage and do not want a return to Hobbesian state where man was a whiff better than apes ancestor, Oyo people do not want to labour in vain for a party that called itself Labour Party without the endorsement of the labour unions, Oyo people want to be represented accordingly and they have found the new love in Accord Party under the leadership of Senator Rashhed Adewolu Ladoja, the Ashipa of Ibadanland. Te soju e on point Errors & omissions in this write-up will be edited later.(
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 10:12:45 +0000

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