WHY DO I NEED YOUR FEMININITY WHEN MY FAMILY HAVE NOTHING TO EAT? Article Mark Ibraimova, which, as a man, already took this approach in our beautiful half of humanity. Frankly, I, as a man, I am tired of this approach in our beautiful half of humanity. The phrase was the title of the post, with a daily periodicity reached my ears. And I dont want to hear! Oh My God! You have created women women, and they want to become robots and more money for this require! Dear women, if you really need money, read this post till the end. Maybe then you will Wake up from the stupor of his mind. Standard situation: a woman and complains about her lack of money. Think about it, that I as a specialist should it offer? Where did the woman can come the money? Lets face it. Money to a woman can come from two sources: either will work itself or the man gives. However, if a woman went to a specialist is in 100 % of cases means that the man in her life either absent or it is such that it is very necessary to provide money. That is it, in any case, have to work. What does “have to work”? It means to perform male function - i.e., to perform certain actions for the purpose of providing, feeding, survival and protection of his family. You will not deny that the man was an ancient hunter and brought in house production, providing the family. And yet, when there was a threat, he became the protector of his family. So the Protection and promotion of times a male function. A woman should understand that, when applying for a job for money, she automatically assumes the male function and lose my feminine essence. Her female hormones will quickly melt away and her facial features will quickly begin to turn into a male. Dont believe? Look at the most hardworking women cleaners, camensac, crane operators, traktorista. What they face? It is the same. And do you think such a woman earns a lot of money? Its health is a murdering, and receives less than men! Why? Because trying to compete with men in their mens essence! Its the same thing that “go up the escalator going down. Always be referred back. In the end, there will be irritation, anger and sense of injustice of the world. It is impossible to be happy not in his place. And I want to say: “Go in your direction. Go with the flow. Be a woman.” But these calls are useless, because the mothers of these women during the war, becoming “Men” have taught their girls to be strong, courageous and rely only on themselves. And daughters, believing mothers did not notice that they were “men in skirts” and today have to feed and protect their families. Cursing men. That is in fact yourself. So, the woman has to work, she is not satisfied with his life, tired, and Im sure that if she paid more money, she would be happy. The formula for happiness, which she confesses that looks like this: HAPPINESS = MONEY. Of course, it all says that happiness is not money, it is necessary to be a spiritual person, to love all, to do good, but really does what her mother taught. And our woman at work does the same as her mother taught to rely only on herself. This means that it works for all colleagues. High quality and good faith. And does not understand why her from them, there is no recognition of her achievements. “Jealous!”, she thinks. Many me about yourself and say, ”Jealous!” Something to envy?! You daughter Rockefeller? No money, no shop is one confusion! Jealous that you, as a horse plow? Something to envy? When I hear this phrase, I immediately thought in the brain occurs: “Wuwu! How it all started!” And worst of all, this woman is still arguing with superiors, believing themselves smarter than him. If youre so smart - go and the business open! Disputes, dear ladies, is a way to show yourself how clever I was, and others to create a sense of anger at themselves. Disputes - this desire to protest. Rebelling against the world. To fight. And war is a typically masculine lifestyle. Advise when you have the desire to argue, just say to yourself: “Stop! Im who? A woman or a man in a skirt?” You know, this thought is sobering. Put yourself in the place of the head. You would have to increase the salary of the one who complains and argues with you? I think. what you would wish to get rid of such a person. And she still increase requests?! In my mind, Im sorry Lord?! And now this woman comes to me and complains about his lack of money. Think about it, that I as a specialist should it offer? Keeping in mind all of the above arguments, I propose to the woman to develop her femininity, as the right tool to attract money in abundance. And the woman, as you already know, I replied: “I dont need your femininity, I have already emerged from this age. And men dont interest me - to me the main thing is the happiness of my children and to the financial situation has leveled off.” For her, with her experience with mother Testament to rely only on herself, my advice is to develop femininity - an empty sound. She believes that Luck will find it for what it is, it is only necessary to grasp the Luck stronger - tooth and nail to get from life! She doesnt understand that LIFE GIVES MONEY IN ABUNDANCE ONLY MASCULINE MEN AND FEMININE WOMEN! She doesnt understand that FEMININITY IS the CAPITAL WOMEN AT ANY AGE. Because FEMININITY is the POTENTIAL of WOMEN. And the potential in Latin potentio - ability. THE MORE FEMININE, THE BETTER YOUR POSSIBILITIES! And good Luck and have a Chance. In order to reach Success, you need flair. Without female intuition intuition is not. Never! Circle good Luck looks like this: INTUITION - INTUITION - ABILITY - MAKING OPPORTUNITIES - LUCK - PLEASURE! As this circle, flair and enjoyment are always side by side. A woman who is happy with themselves and can be enjoyed in any situation - truly feminine. And because she knows how to pleasure to accept the situation - it is desirable for the situation. And the situation is never without people! Within each situation - people! Femininity is a treat for the PEOPLE inside the situation! People always reciprocate. They just cant do otherwise. What you send to people, then they send in response. Corny? But for some reason many dont want to understand that they have to send another. Want more money, be warm. But not the parent, because you are not the mother of these people. Be FEMININE WARMTH. Womens heat is the ability to give love and significance of his companion, the ability to take from him all that he gives, his ability to inspire and create in them a desire to cooperate. That cooperation increases the flow of money. Know it all. But not everyone understands that it is the Feminine desire to cooperate, to help and care for the woman. Simply put, to give her more money. Dear ladies, when your fridge is empty, ask yourself: “Who am I now to their environment? A woman or a mother? If I am a Mother, I have to feed them. If Im a Woman, I enjoy those who are close to you!” And immediately He Who Next wants to do for you something good. And if you dont feel real enjoyment of Those around you, then you are the Mommy and you are running the program “I am”. Until you remove this program, there will be no money. Can whine and complain. Nothing will help - no mascots, no lottery. You will lose money at all. The faster you will begin to understand that Femininity is not junk, useless in the economy, and the true, the real INCREASE in the MONEY supply, the faster you will come stability, prosperity and abundance. And around youll even be Real Men with good money! Its not slogans - this is my experience. You can read my article advertising in order to attract, so to say, the customer is your business, but Im practices: over 11 years of experience I know that magic tricks to attract money - dummy, love spells - slow murder of the men themselves and only Femininity is the only product that really brings in abundance the Woman everything she wants. And you can argue with it, i.e. its essence, refusing to be a Woman and choosing the path of “man in a skirt”, or to Wake up from her mothers mistakes and to take the Path of Femininity. By and Large, the other you have no choice. God does not need your work to God on this planet need Feminine Women and Masculine Men. Ask yourself: am I - WHO? And if you dont know, look at your surroundings. The answer is always in your environment.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 12:58:56 +0000

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