*******WHY DO RELATIONSHIPS - TopicsExpress



*******WHY DO RELATIONSHIPS END******************* *Religion People from different religions cannot expect their partners to make the switch and adopt their religious set of beliefs. Furthermore, if you plan on taking the plunge down the line, discuss whether it’s even possible. *Marriage Maybe you’re the type that follows the Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn outlook on love and have decided to steer clear of the typical marriage. If so, let the strong bond of love for each other cement your relationship into place. If you do, however, decide to get married, make sure you discuss when and how you would like to do so. The last thing you want to discover is that while you’re expecting an easy, breezy, beautiful kind of gig, she wants a grandiose ceremony with the equivalent of a small village present to take part in this special day. If you think it necessary, consider discussing a prenuptial agreement. Just ask Donald Trump for details. She wants a litter Children end up becoming an “avoided” topic, which ultimately leads to breakups. If you come from a family of six and want nothing more than one child to call your own, that’s fine. But if your woman expects three little munchkins to keep you running around for the rest of your days, then you might have a problem. Before you even get into how many children you want, discuss if you even envision kids in your future. If you can’t decide on how many, well at least you can take more time to decide after you have your first. *Individuality Although it’s understood that once two people form a couple, they become one entity, it is imperative, at least for the sanity of the relationship, to maintain your independence and freedom. This means that if you like going to a sports bar with your buddies to watch the football game, your girlfriend should understand. On the other hand, if you feel like staying home and watching some old Rambo classics with your woman, then she has the same right to put on her dancing shoes and hit the nightclub with her girlfriends. ***YARDGYAL****
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 22:00:00 +0000

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