WHY VAMPIRES AND MUSLIMS EAT AFTER SUNSET By Brother Minister Alif Allah Ramadan, the Holy Quran teaches us, is the month that the Holy Quran was revealed to Muhammad. And they worship the month by abstaining from eating and drinking during the day time from sun up to sun down or before the sun rises until after she sets in the Western skies. Then, AFTER DARK, we can eat and drink until the sun rises again the next day. The significances of the Arabic fasting in Ramadan is that the SPIRITUAL DARKNESS OF YAKUBS MADE MAN (THE WHITE RACE); EATING AND DRINKING, sport and play was the order of the WHITE WORLD, UNTIL THE DAY BREAK OF TRUTH COMING IN THE FIRST OF THE SEVEN THOUSAND YEARS AFTER THE SIX THOUSAND YEARS OF SPIRITUAL DARKNESS AND EVIL OF THE WHITE MANS WORLD. WE ARE LIVING NOW IN THE BRINGHT SPIRITUAL WORLD OF ALLAH, THE GREAT MAHDI IN THE PERSON OF MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD, TO WHOM PRAISE IS DUE FOREVER, THEREFORE WE ARE NOT THE CHILDREN OF DARKNESS, BUT THE CHILDREN OF LIGHT AND TRUTH. ACTUALLY, DIVINELY, THERE IS NO FAST SET FOR THE CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT OF GOD AND THEIR FASTING CEASES. BUT, UNTIL WE HAVE ACCOMPLISHED OUR WORK OF PERFECTION OF SELF AND SEPARATION OF US FROM THE SPIRITUAL DARKNESS OF YAKUBS MADE MAN AND TEACHINGS, WE FAST TO GET OUT OF IT AND TAKE A MONTH THAT WE USED TO WORSHIP AS BEING THE MONTH IN WHICH THE BIRTH OF JESUS CAME ABOUT. THERE IS NO SUCH THING that we should worship any white peoples holidays. All that they worship are THEIR DAYS and NOT the SLAVES (the BLACK PEOPLES) DAYS. There is NOT ONE that WE should WORSHIP. the past THANKSGIVING DAY that you were CELEBRATING -- what you have to THANK GOD AND MAN FOR THAT LAST THURSDAY OF NOVEMBER? SURELY YOU SHOULD THANK GOD FOR ALLOWING YOU TO LIVE TO SEE THAT DAY, BUT THIS WAS THE MANS DAY (YAKUBS MADE MAN). THE BLACK MAN SHOULD NOT TAKE ANY PART IN ANY WHITE PEOPLES HOLIDAYS NOT EVEN TO SUNDAY. THESE ARE NOT OUR DAYS. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS. I will take you FURTHER into this KNOWLEDGE if you WRITE ME, as SPACE HERE IS OUR BOOK IS LIMITED. By Messenger Elijah Muhammad, (How to Eat to Live, Book Two, pages 56, 57) 1972. Hollywood shows the symbolic Count Dracula, very conscious of the TIME. He is considered the LIVING DEAD. He must fast during the day, while the sun is up and then he breaks his fast when the sun sets, (he eats or sucks someones blood). Interestingly, each victim whos blood he sucks becomes just like him, (a living dead). The Vampire is a sign of the 10 per centers, the rich slave-makers of the poor righteous teachers. Who is the 10 percent? Answer: The Rich, the Slave Makers of the Poor, who teach the Poor lies, to believe that The Almighty, True and Living God is a spook and cannot be seen by the physical eye. OTHERWISE KNOW AS THE BLOOD-SUCKERS OF THE POOR. Lost-Found Muslim Lesson, No. 2:15, (Tuesday, February 20, 1934). Nation Of Islam Captain, Muhammad Ali (Cassius X Clay) was also the Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World. And he was willing to give it all up to protest the unjust war in Vietnam. Many wondered how such a tiny Nation as Vietnam could withstand the supreme power and force of the most technologically advanced nation on earth, the United States of America. Ho Chi Min, knew his nation could not win a toe-to-toe war, so he out foxed America by letting them dominate the air, land and water while he mastered the science of the mind and the underground. The Vietcong used the science of the WAR OF THE FLEA. By nature a flea hops on a dog and bites it, to suck its blood. The purpose of the flea is not to destroy the dog, just suck some of its blood. By eating off of the dog, it also injects poisons into the dogs system. Thus, the dog grows weaker, while the flea grows stronger. The flea begins to add and multiply itself and eventually the swarm of fleas suck the final drop of blood out of that dog. The FOI and MGT eat not only during the physical darkness, but as a reminder of the SPIRITUAL DARKNESS of Dr. Yakubs grafted Devils who had turned the world into a virtual Hell for the past 6,000 years. They destroyed every black, brown, yellow and red civilization on earth today. Ramadan is a sign of the Black Man-God, Ra being mad an taking revenge for the slavery, suffering and death of the God tribe of Shabazz. Ramadan [Ra-mad-an]. Ramadan is the hottest month of the Summer and when we say the Sun rises and sets, we are conscious of the fact that our Sun does not rise or set, but the earth revolves around the Sun. The Bible tells you that the Sun RISES and SETS. *[The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose. - Bible, Ecclesiastes 1:5]. That is NOT SO. THE SUN STANDS STILL. All your lives you have been thinking that the Earth never moved. Stand and look toward the Sun, and know that it is the earth you are standing on which is moving. - W. D. Fard, (Detroit History) by E.D. Beynon, May, 1938. When you get in a car and the car is moving down the road, it looks like the trees and telephone poles are moving but they are not really moving. It is you in the moving car that is moving for real. Likewise, when we are on a planet that is rotating on her axis at the rate of 1,037 1/3rd miles per hour, and orbiting around our Sun at the fantastic rate of speed of 66,000 miles per hour it looks like our Sun is rising in the morning and setting in the evening. But Allah said, STAND AND LOOK TOWARD THE SUN, AND KNOW THAT IT IS THE EARTH YOU ARE STANDING ON WHICH IS MOVING. We break our reported fast after the sun reportedly sets, and darkness or the shadow of the earth is upon us. The real Vampires [10 per centers] suck the blood symbolically. And the FOI/MGT break fast as a sign that we are breaking the dark reign of Yakubs civilization. - Brother Minister Alif Allah
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 04:09:44 +0000

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