WORD FOR TODAY: CAN GOD TRUST YOU WITH TROUBLE I woke up thinking this morning CAN GOD TRUST ME WITH TROUBLE because if he cannot trust me with trouble then he cant trust me with life and great destiny because that is all it comes wrapped with. There is nothing like a savior without a cross, a king without a Goliath, a Canaan without the wilderness, Jericho without the wall, healing without disease, resurrection without death, provision without lack,promotion without endurance, there is no testimony without test, Palace without the prison and no strength without weakness. If God cant trust you with trouble he cant trust you with greatness. The memo comes from heaven that i will make you a father of a great nation to Abraham but he doesnt tell him that he will have to wait for over 40yrs and endure the shame and ridicule of the society. Joseph is told your father and mother plus all your brothers shall bow before you and you will be a great leader but no one tells him he will be in a rape scenario, no one told him that he will be in prison at some point, Jesus tells his disciples you will do more than you saw me do what he does not tell them is that they will be boiled in oil alive and their eyes removed, that they will be stoned and crucified upside down. The bible says the Egyptians you see today you will see them no more, what that means is that there is a time when all of us must see the Egyptians, when we must endure the intimidation of the mighty and great, but that does not mean again that the Egyptians will be there forever. God will make a promise, allow you to enter into problem before he can bring you provision. The greatest problem is that nobody tells us that trouble will come, God will always let you know the end but reveals the process to the end bit by bit and that is where most of the people give up. You see one evening, Mary is just coming from a wedding committee to prepare their wedding with a man called Joseph, shes still a virgin, her dowry is already paid and the parents have gone to visit each other, the service providers are ready and deposits are paid etc then after Joseph has escorted her home and leaves her to enter into the house, an angel appears to her and calls her the most favored woman, she smiles and already her thoughts are on how their wedding will be great and how favored she is to have Joseph, a guy with a carpentry business and a great grand father David. The angel says you are favored because your wedding will be interrupted because you will be pregnant of the Holy Spirit. You see when God says you are favored and blessed he doesnt tell you that he is just about to interrupt your life, the interruption can be through a break up, a job loss when you badly need it, it can be collapse of your business, it can be a bad medical diagnosis. But one thing is for sure no matter the kind of interruption if it is God ordained it ends up for good. So how is the favored Mary supposed to break the news to Joseph and his family that she is pregnant with a goast because that had never happened before, why dint God tell her that at some point they will be in Egypt on a donkey running from guys trying to kill the son, why dint God tell her that he had not paid a delivery room for the boy, that the Holy boy will be born in a dirty cowshed, why doesnt God tell her that he has not hired a cab to the hospital that she will be carried on a donkey it doesnt make sense. And this is what i have learnt ladies and gentlemen, it is possible to be blessed and highly favored and still be frustrated but the gist of the matter is you must refuse to give up, you must refuse to quit, if God said it he will bring it to pass, he is not a man that he should lie neither a son of man to change his mind, his promises are yes and amen, though mourning may endure for a night joy comes in the morning, it is darkest before dawn, his strength is made perfect in weakness,the frustrations and afflictions we suffer are not wroth comparing with the glory, he will never leave you nor forsake you. CAN GOD TRUST YOU WITH TROUBLE, CAN GOD TRUST YOU WITH THE CHALLENGES THAT YOU HAVE RIGHT NOW? KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PROMISE NOT THE PROBLEM. AS YOU DO SO MAY THE LORD DO YOU WELL, MAY HE CAUSE HIS FACE TO SHINE UPON YOU MAY HIS GRACE ABOUND IN THE NAME OF JESUS. RAFFIAN SAMUEL MOG
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 06:24:57 +0000

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