WORLDWIDE HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY - JANUARY 27th 2014 Please join us at 10:00 AM New York Time on Monday - January 27 for a moment of silence to remember the victims of the Holocaust. Please take the time to reflect on this day which Is so important to the Jewish State, the Jewish people and humankind. Please encourage your family, friends and neighbors to do the same. It would be great if each of you could aim to bring at least one other person to join our rally today to let the world know that we will not stand silent in the face of evil - not this time. Prayer and Reflection to Remember the Holocaust Torn, impassioned and anguished we recall today the systematic extermination of over 6 million innocent Jewish men, women and children (over 1 million children) and the brutal murder of million upon millions of others. Even more disturbing is that these horrific atrocities were committed by so-called “civilized people” from all walks of life who behaved like savages. The evil manifest during this period was unprecedented in the annals of history. What can be compared with the diabolical schemes of modern tyrants in their design to exterminate an entire people? The blood of the innocent people who perished in the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Treblinka and Theresienstadt cries out to G-d and humanity. The Nazis tortured the flesh of Jewish men, women and children - but they could not crush their spirit, their faith, their love or their dream. We will never forget the burning of synagogues and houses of study, the destruction of holy books and scrolls of Torah and the sadistic torment and murder of scholars, sages and teachers. We remember the heroism of those who, in the face of unprecedented and overwhelming force, maintained Jewish culture and asserted Jewish values in the very midst of enslavement and destruction. We also remember the Jewish people in the Warsaw Ghetto who courageously confronted their monstrous adversaries. Even as we mourn, we recall with love and gratitude those compassionate men and women of other faiths and nationalities who put their own lives in danger to save the lives of others. They are truly the righteous of all nations. Let us pray: O’Lord remember your martyred children. Remember all who have given their lives for the sanctification of your name. May we be granted the strength, wisdom and courage to sow love where there is hate; freedom where there is tyranny and peace among men and among nations. May we be a vessel of truth and a beacon of light. May our prayers for peace be heard and overshadow those who (yet again) preach hate, celebrate violence and call openly for the destruction of the Jewish people, the Jewish homeland and all those who do not share their beliefs. May those who are being taught absurdities and incited to commit atrocities ignore these calls and open their hearts and their minds to the best that is in them. May we join together - men and women - young and old - of all walks of life, faiths and nations - to serve G-ds purpose and meet our generations calling. May we to learn the tragic lessons of our past and may humanity evolve beyond the weakness and moral deficiency which enabled this horrific tragedy. May men everywhere teach and learn to love thy neighbor as thyself. And let us say ...AMEN I attach a very powerful rendition of Hatikvah which was chanted by survivors on the first Shabbat after the liberation of the Bergen-Belson Concentration Camp. I apologize that it is graphic and disturbing - but it is also powerful, awakening and awe inspiring. May the eternal hope of these brave souls live on through us...Am Yisrael Chai. youtube/watch?v=iHg9vcRM_00 HATIKVAH - “THE HOPE” As long as the Jewish spirit is yearning deep in the heart, With eyes turned toward the East, looking toward Zion, Then our hope - the two-thousand-year-old hope - will not be lost: To be a free people in our land, The land of Zion and Jerusalem. Kol ode balevavPnimah - Nefesh Yehudi homiyah Ulfaatey mizrach kadimahAyin ltzion tzofiyah. Ode lo avdah tikvatenuHatikvah bat shnot alpayim: Lhiyot am chofshi bartzenu - Eretz Tzion vYerushalayim.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 06:25:36 +0000

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