WORSHIP SONG for THURSDAY – One thing for certain.....life is - TopicsExpress


WORSHIP SONG for THURSDAY – One thing for certain.....life is uncertain! Up, down, left, right, fast, slow, two steps forward, one step back, we limp, we crawl, we run and we walk and many times we wonder if we’re even going in the right direction, all the while being hit with the so called, "lemons." That’s life, as the song says. But as Followers of JESUS we have something (actually Some-ONE) who tells us three wonderfully assuring things about life and its uncertainties. In the Bible, God tells us this.... “I will never leave you or forsake you!” How comforting to know that He will never leave us alone....ever! No matter where the twists and turns of life take you, HE is with you and will always be with you. He’s there for comfort, for companionship, to strengthen us, guide us and if need be to carry us. Secondly, God tells us in the New Testament Book of Romans that He “works all things together for good to the ones that love God.” Not only is God there for us, He incredibly takes even the bad things that happen to us and uses them to mold and make us into the person He desires us to be. And as He is working these things out in our lives, He also uses them to bless others and to bring glory and honor to His Name. When I get discouraged about the not so good things that come my way, I’m thankful that God uses them to shape me, bless others and glorify His Name. In addition to God always being there for us and working things for our good, He knows everything that will happen in our future. Our futures are like memories for God because He exists apart from the constraints of time. The future is impossible for us to see but God is already there! The trials that I might face tomorrow will come as no surprise to God because He is already there! The many mountains and valleys that will fill my future will be no problem for God because again, He is already there also. It’s certain.....life is uncertain! But it’s also certain that God will always be with me, He will work all things out for good and nothing will take Him by surprise because He is already there! Let these three promises bring you peace, joy, comfort and blessing today.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 09:44:14 +0000

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