WORSHIP SONG for WEDNESDAY – The Urban Dictionary calls - TopicsExpress


WORSHIP SONG for WEDNESDAY – The Urban Dictionary calls Wednesday “hump day” meaning that we climb the hill of the middle of the week and then press on toward the weekend. I get that but I say that virtually every day of the week is a “hump day” of sorts. There is always some hill to climb, some valley to cross, some obstacle to overcome or some issue to deal with. That’s life! And even as Followers of JESUS, possessors of the Holy Spirit, students of the Word of God and Children of the King we deal with this stuff also. The best of God’s people, as written about in the Bible, dealt with these things and we do also. And as we do, we stumble, we falter, we rush ahead or lack behind, we fall down, we hurt, we cry, get up and start the process of “getting over the hump” all over again. And not just on Wednesday but every day! But how about this? Let’s make an agreement, as the People of God, to acknowledge the toughness of life and to acknowledge our failings but to make a determination that no matter what we will not be moved from the path of following Christ. Of course we’ll have our stumbles but we’ll keep going forward! Sometimes it will be one step forward and then two steps back or three forward and one back but nonetheless we will not be moved from going forward with Jesus over humps and all! There’s a great promise found in the Old Testament Book called Psalms....”We delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night. We are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Our leaves never wither and we prosper in all we do! God only is my Rock and my Salvation, He is my defense and I shall not be moved!” What a great promise from God Himself! If we delight in His Word, think on it and about it well be like trees planted along a river, roots deep, bearing fruit in every season. We won’t dry up and we will prosper in everything! Why? Because God is our Rock and our Salvation, our Defense and we can confidently proclaim that “I shall not be moved!” Let’s believe this today and then live like we believe this today! Amen?
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 09:54:30 +0000

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