WOULD I DISOBEY THE LORD I had just set down in our morning Word - TopicsExpress


WOULD I DISOBEY THE LORD I had just set down in our morning Word and Spirit meeting in Owego, NY, yesterday, because the meeting was about to begin. I had been awake praying since a great while before day. The Lord Jesus had awakened me asking questions that I tried to rationalize an answer for. He asked me about different things that was taking place in the church world and wanted to know what I thought about them. This was brought on, I believe, by a couple of weeks of praying and asking the Lord questions about these things. He answered me differently than I thought He would, with this experience I am writing about. To be honest, I never thought about the Bible or Spirit of God answers to His questions. I was too busy evaluating what different ministers and pastors were doing and saying about the questions being asked me. Jesus was asking me about the sweeping wind of change, in the church, and was it of Him? Truthfully, I could not answer because I had so much influence of key people I have been submitted to in my life and ministry for years. Also, the sweeping change seemed to be embraced by many of my peers in ministry I respected, and still do, that can preach and teach circles around me. A couple of ministers I have submitted to for many years told me, personally, the change was of God. I mentally searched through the church world to evaluate what other ministers, pastors and churches were doing and knew that many agreed with what I had been told also, not all. I was a miserable, mental mess after several hours of frustration of trying to justify my mental answers to the Lord because of popular influence of others. I was pressured to adapt to all the new ways follow along. In my frustration, I told the Lord, I don’t know what is your will anymore!? I am being told today, that many things I was taught were of God are no longer of God and that I am old fashioned, old school, foolish, and missing the move of the new modern relevant church. I am being told that parts of the New Testament were not written to the church. I am told not to speak in tongues or raise my hands or preach on sin or repentance in a church service. I am told not to yield to the Holy Ghost or His gifts. I am told that Dad Hagin split the church group I am associated with by holding Holy Ghost meetings. I am told that what Dad Hagin taught me that some of what Jesus and The Bible said is no longer for today. I am told I should not be a preacher but a Life Coach. I am told I should have abbreviated services and get the people in and out because they are too busy today. I am told I should dress as if I am going to plow a mule or play a ballgame when I speak or attend church so people will come. I am told that I should create a rock concert atmosphere to excite the people. I am told I should start the service with a rock and roll song from the Beatles, Black Sabbath or others so the people can identify with it..... Thats as far as I got in my response to the Lord as I sat down in the morning Word and Spirit meeting in Owego, NY, frustrated, not knowing what I would speak on in about ten minutes. I didn’t have every detail of the service planned out (never have) and was utterly dependent on the Lord. He never told me what to speak on and He always does. I did not know what to do but He has taught me to trust Him over the years. Suddenly, He rebuked me sternly for getting so caught up in what others were doing and saying by taking me, supernaturally, to 1st Samuel chapter 15. I did not know what I was going to read because I did not recall what that chapter was about. When my eyes looked on the page the first verse I saw was: 26And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not return with thee: for thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD hath rejected thee from being king over Israel. 27And as Samuel turned about to go away, he laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle, and it rent. 28And Samuel said unto him, The LORD hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given it to a neighbour of thine, that is better than thou. (1 Sam. 15:26-28) The Lord Jesus said, “This is your answer! If those I called to a Ministry Office do not obey my Word and Spirit I will reject them, just as I rejected King Saul for his disobedience. I will remove my anointing from any minister, including you, if I am not obeyed. Do not be led away from me by the ideas of men and quit letting what they tell you bother you, right now! Forget being an outcast and die to your fleshly desire to please men and to stay in the comfort zone of trust in men. If you are to go on with Me you must do this or you will go no further in Me. Believe that I will raise you up as you humble yourself before me. Noah was the only one in His generation that stood with me. He kept putting boards on the Ark as he was laughed at and made fun of. For 120 years my Words were rejected that he spoke for me to the people. He was right and they were wrong and it will prove true in your day even though it seems long, stay the course and die to your selfish ambition. I have been giving those in disobedience space to repent and they think it is My agreement with their actions. You prayed to be like me but now you complain because you are experiencing the fellowship of my sufferings just like the Apostle Paul did and many others. Crucify your flesh and take up your cross and follow me, No one stood with Me in My sufferings on the cross and do you think that you are better than your Master? Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abides alone so through the crucifixion of your flesh My life will spring forth. Why did King Saul disobey Me? And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned: for I have transgressed the commandment of the LORD, and thy words: because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice. Do not fear any man, fear me!” I got up in the service and preached 1st Samuel chapter 15 to myself under a mighty anointing of the Holy Ghost as people listened with resolve to obey the Word and Spirit of God. God is with me.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 21:15:52 +0000

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