WOULD YOU PLEASE DISTRIBUTE THE ENCLOSED LETTER WIDELY OF RETIRED BANKER JOHN A. SALMON TO THE UNRESPONDING JUDGE THOMAS, AND REASONS FOR PUBLISHING THE DOCUMENT? After writing the book “BANKER’S LIES, CRIME & SUICIDE” while in jail after being corruptly destroyed financially by the criminality of an evil bank, I have now published this book through Amazon and Kindle. As a well experienced and long standing bank-victim who has spent sixty years working hard and injuriously to produce food and fibre for our nation and to accumulate a few million in assets—to be down-sized to a state of an impecunious-Centerlink-recipient by the treacherous bastardry of the three equally evil predominance’s of present day society—being POLITICIANS; LEGAL /JUDICIARY; and the most evil of all, the central-bank usury KAZARIAN-ASHKENAZISM. After serving six months of a BANK MANIPULATED TRUMPED-UP two year sentence handed down by the malicious Justice Manus Boyce—three Appeal Justices unanimously found me not guilty, but scathingly condemned Boyce as having “erred” (fu.ked-up) on five counts in his directions to his illegitimately reduced eleven person jury. Then again, I look around and see what the THREE evils have accomplished in their objective of removing the Australian people’s social, wealth and property rights in my lifetime. They have reduced my peers in agricultural industries in numbers by 50%, and those who remain to an all time record debt burden of $70 billion; they have reduced those of the unsubsidised manufacturing fraternity to impoverishment and almost nonexistence; they have allowed much of the superannuation wealth of the people to abscond through the frivolous hands of the yuppie (young urban professional) to treat and invest experimentally and often delinquently; and almost worst of all, have treacherously removed the peoples Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1900 and deceivingly replaced its common-law with their corporatized Australian Constitution and civil-law abomination. Their culpability for this treason should be lifetime imprisonment. Worst of all, this evil treasonous-trio has succumbed to the international financial dominance of the central banking Kazarian-Ashkenazim and have unilaterally mortgaged the entire Australian land mass and its people to the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission of Washington USA, Registration No: (0000805157), as collateral to support the usurious US$ 1.2 trillion of createdcost-free borrowed encumbrance placed upon the Australian people. In addition to our people enslavement, these evils have created a strangulation of global debt being US$ 135 trillion, and this is in addition to the $600 trillion global DERIVATIVES debt—wilful acts of treason—outrageous criminality that should be punished with a death sentence—not by an air breathing life in prison. I, Colin Uebergang, the sole Director of SUN PUBLISHING PTY LTD, feel duty bound to publish the enclosed portion of a 16 page letter sent to a retired Supreme Court justice in the public interest. I also feel entitled to do so, as I have personally experienced the evil intentional malevolence of the fractional reserve banking fraternity who have been allowed to intentionally conceal and conduct their fraud with the collusive self-serving intent of the Fabian politicians and malevolent judiciary—all of which has occurred without a justifiable word from the retired and gutless senior banking executives—bar ONE—John Salmon. I hold 15,000 pages of documented evidence to support all allegations made. After experiencing the financial destruction and social humiliation of myself and family by the corrupt systems mentioned, and after reading countless court transcripts relating to the similar malevolent treatment of other, books such as “THE WEB of DEBT” by Ellen H. Brown, and more recently reading the “THREE CROOKED KINGS” by Matthew Condon, and the expressively explicit “LOVE LETTERS FROM the BAR TABLE” by Shane Dowling, also the latest release “THE SLIDING SCALE of JUSTICE in QUEENSLAND” by Professor Evan Jones; I believe I have legitimate entitlement to divulge the enclosed document which has been signed-off by John A. Salmon, addressed to retired supreme court Judge J.B. Thomas, and hereby published in the public interest, as it is obvious corruption reigns rampant in the judicial systems of Queensland, a system which is pompously administered by the profligate — Chief Justice de Jersey. I have known John Alfred Salmon since 1992. His reputation as an honest person is well known. I met John because of his past banking experience, being employed by the National Australia Banking for thirty six years. Over the twenty years of our association, I have spent many hours engaged in discussions relating to the malevolent behaviour of banks in general along with their incestuously collusive relationship with senior members of the Queensland judiciary. In more recent times John has directed me to documents from the public domain which have demonstrated demonstratively the criminality that has taken place in the banking and legal system of Queensland, all of which points to the trespass of property and social rights by politicians of all party persuasions. However, at no time has John Salmon provided me with sensitive documents requesting me to publish them in any form. I have made the sole decision to do so with documents sourced from existing published files in the public interest. However, because of the critical nature of the information, I made the decision to release the information to the public in order to inform them of the professional criminality which is occurring within the Queensland judicial system. In order to reduce the possibility of being accused of scandalising the judiciary, I take a first-mover initiative of quoting and levelling the judiciary, in particularly Chief Justice de Jersey, with corrupt practices upon the people of Queensland and because of my legal obligation and elegance to the Commonwealth Australia Constitution 1900 (UK) and the Crimes Act of 1914; the latter of which, states in Part 11 Offences; Section 24 Treason; (2); A person who: (a) receives or assists another person who is, to his knowledge, guilty of treason in order to enable him to escape punishment; or (b) knowing that a person intends to commit treason, does not give information thereof with all reasonable dispatch to a constable or use other reasonable endeavours to prevent the commission of the offence; shall be guilty of an indictable offence. Penalty: Imprisonment for life. 24 AA Treachery: (1) A person shall not: (a) Do any act or thing with intent: (b) To overthrow the Constitution of the Commonwealth by revolution or (c) sabotage; Penalty: Imprisonment for 15 years. (The politicians and the legal fraternity have committed all the above crimes) This action is being undertaken as documented evidence has revealed offences have been committed, knowingly and with intent, against persons and the Commonwealth Australian Constitution 1900 (UK) 63 &64 Victoria Ch. 12; Therefore, your assistance is needed in bringing this matter to the notice of all Australians—that professional CRIMINALITY exists within the judicial system. All efforts should be made by the recipients of the following information to have the mainstream media do their responsible public duty and inform the people of this professional malevolence. For those people who wish to share a very humbling and stressful period of my life after being cast aside by the evil criminals in banking and the judiciary, read the unedited book I wrote in jail; “BANKER’S LIES, CRIME & SUICIDE” Australian family Tragedies.” Can be purchased from Amazon Publishing—I need your support against the bastards! Colin Uebergang Director: Sun Publishing Pty. Ltd. ACN: 102912210 th 24 July 2013 [email protected]
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 00:58:38 +0000

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