Want to wish my Mama Happy 97th Birthday. If she had lived thats - TopicsExpress


Want to wish my Mama Happy 97th Birthday. If she had lived thats how old she would have been today she was the best Mom. She had to be our Mom and Dad both because we had one of those Dead Beat Dads that paid No Child Support and no Physical or Mental Support either. We only saw him on occasion and hed give us a $1.00 each. Wow, what a generous Dad. No money to Mom for Food or Doctor Bills or Clothes or anything. It was all about him. But our Mom hung in there with us and taught us that we work for what we get in life. We didnt take Welfare, Free Lunches or any Government handouts or help. Now not to say we didnt wear hand me downs because we did. Dianne Larimer handed me down lots and I was so very grateful. All of us got jobs and earned our own money as soon as we were old enough. The boys hauled hay, worked at the Service Station, mowed yards whatever they could find. I babysit and waited tables in Louisville between my Junior and Senior year where I could by my clothes, books, my class ring and my Annual. The boys did the same. But if it hadnt been for our Strong and Loving Mother we wouldnt have got to where we are today. All her 4 children, Duane Boog, James Tink and Danny Joe DJ and myself have all been blessed in life but the best thing we were Blessed with was our Mama, Happy Birthday, Myrtie Joette Harper Hawes. Till we meet again. We all Love and Miss You!!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 00:59:19 +0000

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