Wanted to share my thoughts and feelings with the Luminaries - TopicsExpress


Wanted to share my thoughts and feelings with the Luminaries Family. Staying rooted in Truth, Love, Solidarity and Justice. Love, Chris Still processing everything Im feeling around this situation in Ferguson and in the world. I keep reminding myself whats most important here: That Mike Brown is dead. Its horrifying; maddening; extremely sad - and hurtful on the deepest of levels. Yes, another young African man was killed by a police officer of European ancestry... AND - a human being was killed by another human being. Race is the greatest lie weve every been told. I try to remind myself that and live in such a way. Yet they way we collectively conduct ourselves is very much based on the pigmentation of our skin, what language we speak, where our point of origin on this planet is, and what our cultural identity is. And a variety of biases and privileges exist around all of that. The issue we are glaringly confronted with right now, that appears with acute clarity is: The darker your skin is, the more likely you are to be shot, killed and brutalized by police officers - police officers who often have the lightest shades of skin color. What are we going to do about this? Better yet, what am I going to do about this? This has to stop. We must change the way police are given free reign to execute human beings at will. This is an attribute of martial law. And the fact that the system, including the judicial system, enables them to do so, and does not hold these murderers to any level of responsibility or accountability is buried near the core of the problem. These facets indicate that we live under a system based on white supremacy. Rather that we still do, as that is how this country was set up. Supposedly this racism has been lessoned as time and The People have marched onward; through our evolution as a People and a nation. But what we see before us shows us exactly the opposite - through actions. Words can be meaningless. This country is not what it says it is. Memorial holidays and supposed equal and civil rights can be reduced to tokens if we dont really mean it. I mean it. I am fervently interested in human rights for myself, and for all of my fellow brothers and sisters on this planet. And I start by being compassionate, respectful, responsible and accountable to myself, so I can show up in such a way for everyone. If we can all choose to take on such attributes, with an emphasis on responsibility and accountability at this pivotal time, we can start to move forward. We can police ourselves and our own communities. We can continue to grow, evolve and improve ourselves - as People. Continued Love and solidarity goes out to Mike, his family, all of the fallen and everyone enduring this turbulent, wounding experience. I am with you all. I have compassion. I feel the pain. We will only grow stronger as we overcome this enduring darkness that surrounds us. - C.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 03:19:02 +0000

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