Washington’s pushy and unhappy interference in Ukraine and the - TopicsExpress


Washington’s pushy and unhappy interference in Ukraine and the sanctions it imposed on Russia over Crimea show that the United States still views itself as a global superpower dictating its rules to the rest of humanity. American policymakers are completely blind to the processes occurring in the modern world. The US foreign policy abounds in gross blunders and utterly illegal behavior bringing chaos and anarchy to once stable countries. Isn’t it time for the United States to stop playing the global gendarme and arbiter, all the more so that no one had asked it to? Washington’s panicky reaction to Crimea’s reunification with Russia betrays nagging fear that the dear one-polar world the US struggled so hard to build in the past couple of decades may collapse just like a house of cards, giving way to a multi-polar system that doesn’t fit the present-day US mentality. The Americans just can’t figure out how anyone - Russia, of all countries – dared do any such thing as to turn a mere plebiscite into a major geopolitical event so openly and so strongly opposed by the US. Seeking to punish Moscow, the US raised many eyebrows and chuckles when it rushed to offer itself to Europe as a long-term gas supplier. One needn’t be an expert to see that most of the geopolitical projects launched by Washington in recent years were complete failures that caused huge harm to countries involved. Moreover, often Washington’s deeds clash with its publicly proclaimed goals. When the US alleges that it wants to bring democracy and human rights somewhere, while simultaneously taking some practical steps, then it’s clear that democratic slogans are used as a cover for achieving quite different goals – strictly pragmatic goals that serve US economic interests… Here, any tools would do, up to military force. Often, those goals are achieved, but oddly enough, no one bothers to foresee the impacts that eventually boomerang on the US, Vilen Ivanov, a senior research fellow at the Russian Academy of Sciences, says. The analysis of the latest events around Ukraine indicate that US politicians are remarkably unable to think ahead, hence the excessive irrational anger as the chaos now reigning in Ukraine and the fact that Russia got back Crimea is not the outcome Washington expected after throwing $5 billion into the new Ukrainian revolution. The US invasion of Iraq has become a dire tragedy for that country, yet failed to reduce the threat of international terrorism. It’s almost as bad with Afghanistan – US troops are pulling out now, leaving behind a ruined economy, booming drug production and no peace. So what was the point in US troops staying there for so many years and causing the deaths of thousands of Afghan civilians? Was it a mistake or what?
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:24:44 +0000

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