Watching closely … It would appear that the Bibb County Schools - TopicsExpress


Watching closely … It would appear that the Bibb County Schools District share common ground with the Caddo District Schools system. A little reading of their local reports shows that their system is also under fire. A grand plan, though hardly a ‘Miracle’, such as the ‘Dallemand Disaster scheme’; their system also faces severe scrutiny for failing the student base and community – so much so, that two of their schools were placed under state supervision… No wonder the Dallemand virus is interested in moving to the beleaguered district. Another failing system, wrought by a dysfunctional and split board … sounding familiar yet? With a staggering 35 Mills in property tax, a continually spiraling system with a likely state takeover looming and seeking a Superintendent with a ‘vision’ – this system is already primed for a shyster Dallemand to offer another ‘Miracle’ … May their press and the Caddo Board be vigilant in their search, questioning and finally their choice. Their children and community could well do without yet another divisive-greed inspired charlatan to further ruin their already in distress schools district. Beware ‘the Dallemand’ – once he pushes *humpty-dumpty off that wall – there’s no putting Humpty back together again … * Dallemand used the Humpty Dumpty reference in his community presentation in both Rochester and Macon – too inept to even use a differing analogy ..
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 12:37:31 +0000

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