We ALL have secrets... Here is a chilling thought regarding the - TopicsExpress


We ALL have secrets... Here is a chilling thought regarding the wholesale surveillance that much of the world has only recently discovered they are subject to. What happens to the legal underpinnings of commerce: trust and the expectation of confidentiality in communication? It is natural to think you have no secrets to hide if you are not engaged in illegal activity and have no intention of ever communicating with terrorists. Perhaps elected officials who call or email hookers, or congressional staffers who talk to their brokers, have cause for concern if a future political regime engages in a witch hunt. But what about the vast majority of us? Why should the fact that the NSA has the ability to see all of our email, phone calls, and online activity, be of any concern? Have you ever signed a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA)? Have you ever entered into a confidentiality agreement? If you are employed by a large company you probably have. If you are self employed, as I am, you have probably signed many agreements to maintain the confidentiality of your clients’ information. I have signed agreements that stipulate that the very information that a client has engaged me is not to be disclosed, usually during the due diligence phase of an acquisition. Many NDAs have escape clauses that acknowledge court orders but I doubt blanket court orders are what most parties have in mind. Knowing that you have not maintained the confidentiality of your employer/client may well put you in breach of all those contracts you have signed. “Oh piffle, Stiennon. You are grasping at straws.” Maybe. The NSA is, after all, led by principled people who are just doing their job protecting the nation from terrorists. They have no motivation to snoop on the communication between an attorney and her client, a defense contractor and its lobbyist, a bank executive and his board, a journalist and his source. There is no Anthony Comstock sifting through your mail for lewd content. For ‘United States persons’ the NSA or FBI need a warrant and probable cause. Maybe. What about communication with non United States persons, like every client or employer overseas? Do you work for Chrysler-Fiat? T-Mobile? There is even some indication that taking steps to honor your confidentiality agreements, by encrypting your communication, may expose you to more scrutiny, and longer retention of your encrypted data after it has been captured. Next time you promise to keep something confidential, think what that means. Are you really able to fulfill that promise? If you are worried about privacy or the theft of your ID see us at iszulewski12@legalshield
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 15:25:35 +0000

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