We are 16 days into a nation wide boycott #Ferguson. Join, - TopicsExpress


We are 16 days into a nation wide boycott #Ferguson. Join, support, share and of course tell somebody face to face about one, some or all the movements we unorganized conscious people have started to bring about real change for humanity. This is picking up steam and soon the world we hear our voices like never before. Dont get caught on the sidelines. JOIN IN! There is more then one way to get the job done and more then one road leading to the same place. Choose the route that works for you or join them all, and please respect one another for choosing their own path. We have to sometimes agree to disagree. What works for one doesnt always work for all. Choose wisely ! The Movement!!! - A group on Its RealTalk Live blog talk show started boycotting fastfood 16 days ago. We had over 10k (and growing) boycotting 20, August HANDS UP OUT YOUR POCKETS AND PURSES!!!(BUY NO RIBS OF ANY KIND DURING LABOR DAY WEEK-END) (This is extended to every Wednesday until our voice is heard). Michael Brown is asking us to have an International Protest #BlackoutMonday on 8, September. NOVEMBER 3RD--NATIONAL BLACK SOLIDARITY DAY--DONT SPEND ONE DIME, DONT SWIPE YOUR CREDIT, DEBIT OR METRO CARD--DONT USE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. In support of the next big statements we join in solidarity TODAY (HANDS UP OUT YOUR POCKETS AND PURSES every Wednesday). This is my favorite because the impact will be felt more when we remove our dollars from this economy. Also, see below: September 1st ONE DAY BLACKOUT. On September 1st, if you care about the crimes against humanity by the police across America join us in a ONE DAY BLACKOUT One Day Blackout ( In Protest To Police Brutality & Murders )11! Post on your status No Justice No Peace ! and log out of your Facebook for the rest of the day! Remember the police are here to protect and serve, police brutality affects us all. It could be you, your brother, or your child? Help stop the MADNESS ! United we stand divided we fall if we dont start coming together for even something as simple as this protest is we have failed them all... Please share this event with other we want all to get involved. THIS EVENT IS TO SHOW OURSELVES UNITED ! ONE VOICE FOR THE SAME CAUSE ! This is the beginning to something great ! It has begun... I am my brothers keeper ! All this is nothing without demands. We must bring something to the table to start the dialogue and effectively address an issue that has plagued our society for to long. Please sign and share the petition. #TheUnitedStatesDepartmentofJustice chn.ge/1qvhtya
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 12:12:24 +0000

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