We are going to start posting the minutes of the previous months - TopicsExpress


We are going to start posting the minutes of the previous months minutes for anyone who can not attend to read. They will not be posted until they are approved at the next meeting so please try to attend if at all possible so you are not a month behind. Look forward to seeing you next month! August 21, 2014 Meeting called to order by President, Marcus Carlton. Secretary, Belinda Ray read minutes for the last meeting, April 29, 2014. Motion made to accept reading of minutes made by Myca Ferguson. Second by Heather Carlton. Treasures Report read by Melissa Vernon. Motion to accept the reading of the report made by Heather Carlton. Second by Myca Ferguson. The President introduced the Junior President, Myca Ferguson. Special Guest were introduced and allowed to speak. School Board candidates Linda Reed and Shannon Davis shared their views for their potential seat on the school board. Election will be on September 17, 2014. Committee Reports Intraumurals-Carly Jones. Mandatory Parent meeting will be held on Sunday, September 14, 2014 all who plan to coach or have a student participate must attend. Games begin on Sept. 27th. Playground- Heather Carlton. Update on new equipment. Repainting Swings, Replace Chains and new seats installed. New Basketball Goals installed. Fall Zone replaced. Pavilion for playground #1 arrives next week. Teether Balls are installed. Fun Balls are installed. There will be a dig area where the kids are allowed to dig. Sidewalks for #1 are in place to allow access even when muddy and for wheelchair access. Tires for climb and play were installed and painted. Playground #2 has a new piece of equipment. We hope to buy 2 more pieces for playgrounds if fundraisers allow. We also have plans to apply for grants. Work Day is this Saturday, Aug. 23rd to finish painting. We need volunteers. We will work from 8-10am. Thank you to the parents who worked hard at fundraisers to allow this progress. Silent Auction-No Updates at this time. Marcus ask everyone to like Westside PTO on facebook so they can follow any updates. Also, after the meeting you are welcome to visit the playgrounds to see the updates. Principal’s Report- Playground #1 will be complete and open to use on Thursday and Playground #2 on Monday. Superintendent’s Report- Dr. Duffie commented on the School support of the work on the playgrounds. New Business- Jr. President Myca Ferguson shared with everyone that PTO has applied for 501 C3 Status which will help us to be able to apply for grants. Fundraisers- We will begin Cookie Dough Sales on Sept. 5, 2014. Orders will return on Sept. 22, 2014 and delivery is expected for October PTC. Melissa Vernon shared that she was approached by a parent who would like to make a one-time donation and be exempt from selling items. Discussion on what the donation level would be. Other fundraiser ideas brought up was Auction of the front two car rider spots. Marcus announced that if anyone had any other ideas for fundraising to please get with an officer. Card Books will begin in January. Springfest will be April 25, 2015 Magic Show date will be announced at a later date. No Christmas Store this year due to difficulties with staffing and time consumption. An alternate Christmas activity is being considered. Financial Distribution in the amount of $1,000 must be brought before the PTO meeting and approved. This will allow for any discussion and everyone’s in-put before a major purchase. Motion was made by Kim Huffman and Myca Furgusen Second. Prizes: Parent- Justin Cline Teacher Best Represented- Breigh Earnhart Teacher Present- Lisa Carol Next Meeting: September 18, 2014 Announcements-Comments: T-shirt Sales was brought up. To help increase sales could we ask that every Friday be Warrior Pride Day and everyone wear T-shirts to show school spirit? Fundraiser idea was brought up that we could recycle Warrior T-shirts and make quilts to sell. Mrs. Pennington shared that the new balls for playgrounds are being shipped on August 26, 2014 Adjourn- Motion to close made by Myca Ferguson and Second by Kim Huffman.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 02:27:49 +0000

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