We are living in a time of literal hell on earth. Our government - TopicsExpress


We are living in a time of literal hell on earth. Our government is keeping us in a little bubble of filtered information. How much do you really know that is going on in the world? A mass extinction is currently taking place. If you have been following the money trail youll see that US corporations fund both sides of every war we have ever been in. Life is a cycle, a wheel, and history always repeats itself. You can see that before every major war in humanity false flag operations have been declassified that showed that propaganda and the media force fed the general public a false story to prolong faith and support of a corrupt society. These corporations put in place false flag operations (which are inside jobs of mass destruction), find a scapegoat to focus the general publics anger and attention, and then proceed to give us a solution (slowly stripping away all constitutional rights) to a problem they have already created. During high cases of fear, humanity is malleable and will do anything to protect themselves. Those unaware of the truth of reality mindlessly follow what those in power (financial elite) say is the solution. These mass outbreaks of pestilence (viral diseases) are the next big plan the financial elite are unfolding. These current viruses were man made in top laboratories and released into the African population to force people in a state of hysteria, and to willingly allow a vaccine to prevent the disease. What people arent aware of is that hidden inside of these vaccines are RFID chips (have all of your personal information ever) that are meant to connect to your consciousness and make you a controllable human android. Organs are now able to be 3D printed to replace the failing organs that are malfunctioning because of the ingesting of GMO infested foods that lead to infertility. They ruthlessly perpetuate wars to lower the human population in an attempt to better control the masses through a New World Order. The financial elite have funded for technologies that artificially prolong human life for immortality through transcendence into a human/robot controllable hybrid, plus the infertility from GMO foods leads to a new race of permanent slavery to the elite. Here is a video of all the current events since July 27, 2014 that have continued to escalate at an exponential rate. https://youtube/watch?v=h3Y2ZaHCVfg&feature=youtu.be
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:31:06 +0000

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