We gotta wake up: ATTN: WALMART SHOPPERS: Obama must utilize the - TopicsExpress


We gotta wake up: ATTN: WALMART SHOPPERS: Obama must utilize the POWER of the PEN and bypass FINALLY, the politically biased stonewalling of an unrepentent Republican Congress -- I hope Obama will smash this ongoing, toxic agenda, one which persists in appeasing a movement which masks itself as a fiscal conservatism to save our economy, when in fact, it only seems to serve such movements as those pushed by those mad billionaires: the Koch Brothers (the primary financial contributors to their elections/reelections), the Kochs seek the destruction of our democracy, by first destroying the middle class (which has all but vanished) and placing the working and poor class at the mercy of a conservatism which will never support their struggles, i.e. decent wages, health care, etc, what is worse is that they mask their dirty tricks by hiding behind a facade of different organization names such as for instance, The Heritgage Foundation, in hopes of luring the naive ciitizenry into believing they are patriotic and want rights for the American people, when what they are really up to currently is: destroy the ACA (so healtcare profits can remain high), undoing voting rights laws, as a means to control the voting outcomes, i.e. more Republicans, and the ongoing attempts to destroy unions, which seek to enable fair wages/rights; the list goes on...please wake up people, this Congress is bad news, but the Koch Brothers are really BAD NEWS....do your reading and please....dig for the truth!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 02:28:39 +0000

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