We have 19 days left and 1% total of our goal. WE ARE IN HUGE NEED - TopicsExpress


We have 19 days left and 1% total of our goal. WE ARE IN HUGE NEED OF PUBLIC SUPPORT AND SHARING IN GROUPS AND ON YOUR WALLS If its in your highest excitement. It is mine, I have been waiting for the last year for this to gain support !!! If you do not want to donate, or can not afford to, and still want to help, PLEASE share this in all places you can ! We are very excited to announce a new Tuning In film! We need help funding in where YOU can donate money and receive gifts for this. (click on link for more information !) Dont think of it as donating, think of it as INVESTING ! Tuning in Now will feature new and vital information from Geoffrey Hoppe (Adamus), Lee Carroll (Kryon), Darryl Anka (Bashar), John Cali (Chief Joseph), Wendy Kennedy (Pleiadian Collective), Rob Gauthier (Treb), and perhaps others as well. The original Tuning In has become the gold standard for these sorts of metaphysical movies, and Tuning In Now intends to be bigger, better and even more relevant for our changing times. Please find out more at trebchanneling/#!coming-soon-/c1sud https://facebook/tuninginfilms 1. Darryl Anka- Bashar 2. John Cali- Chief Joseph 3. Lee Carroll - Kryon 4. Geoffrey Hoppe- Adamus 5. Wendy Kennedy-Pleiadian Collective 6. Rob Gauthier -TReb / Aridif Tuning In Films David Thomas A hornet is buzzing about inside your car, smacking up against the windshield, desperate to reach the vast vistas just beyond the glass, but getting more and more frustrated. He grows frantic, buzzing louder, knowing true freedom is so tantalizingly close… but not quite able to get there. Sometimes I feel like that hornet. Maybe you do too. The cosmic benchmark 2012 came and went with seemingly no true change. We are told of great onslaughts of new energy and changing DNA and becoming crystalline beings. We may indeed be budding masters and the bravest of the brave for coming to the dense energy of this planet, but I for one am getting impatient and a bit crotchety. I feel a deep impulse to further delve into what’s truly going on so I am making a sequel to the film “Tuning In,” which many of you enjoyed and found value in. It was produced six years ago and featured Geoffrey Hoppe channeling Adamus, as well as Lee Carroll (Kryon), Darryl Anka (Bashar), John Cali(Spirit), Wendy Kennedy (Pleiadian Collective) and Shawn Randall (Torah). They have again agreed to participate and there will be new blood as well. That movie contained much profound wisdom and people around the world loved it. For the uninitiated, the non-physical beings the humans “channel” claim to be an angel (Adamus), an alien from the future (Bashar) and something that calls itself “of magnetic service” (Kryon). So this is not your everyday material. You won’t find this information on Fox or CNN. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t real. I am a former journalist that has studied the phenomena of channeling for years and concluded it’s real, it is happening. You may well ask what I’ve been smoking. Well, nothing. I am reasonable sober and sane, and can testify that channeled material has been a boon and blessing for my own life. I made that movie six years ago to help disseminate the wisdom and information coming through. It was quite gentle in nature, though it did contain what some consider controversial information (Hitler went to heaven!). This time around I feel I need to hit harder, go deeper and truly get to the marrow of what we are going through and where we’re headed. It would be a disservice to everyone to do anything less. Which is why I am inviting you to send me questions for the extensive interviews I’ll be doing, things that are truly on your mind and gnawing at your soul. This will be a cutting-edge film, and the kid gloves are off. So feel free to contact me at tuninginfilms@yahoo. I have started a crowdfunding campaign to pay for travel, personnel, equipment, lodging and the like. We are going to raise $33,000, which is meager by Hollywood standards, but I’ve learned how to be very efficient. There are lots of perks offered, including of course the finished DVD, but also a CD set of the hours upon hours we record with all the channelers, the vast majority of which needs to be trimmed for a 90-minute film. But you can have access to every word. You could also even become a producer on the film and be on set for the shoots, if you’d like. We are at https://indiegogo/projects/tuning-in-now2. It’s important to do this film because it will really take the temperature of where we are now and where we’re headed. Again, I welcome your questions and input. What is really on your mind and in your gut? There will be nothing off limits with “Tuning In Now”. I am loath to sound like a PBS pledge drive, but I can’t do this without contributions. These are not “donations”… plenty of quid pro quo perks are offered. This feeling of buzzing about like that hornet trapped in the car is sometimes uncomfortable. But perhaps there’s a crack in the passenger side window. Or maybe we’re just imagining the windshield. We aim to find out with “Tuning In Now”.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 02:34:47 +0000

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