We have a lot to talk about. Consider what’s happened in the - TopicsExpress


We have a lot to talk about. Consider what’s happened in the last few weeks: -The Obama administration refused to answer tough questions about the killing of State Department employees in Benghazi, Libya -The IRS was caught red-handed targeting conservative nonprofit groups -The Justice Department admitted that it seized the phone records and conducted other surveillance on FOX News and the Associated Press, often without a warrant -Leaked documents revealed that the NSA may routinely collect phone data on all Americans, even when the government doesn’t suspect them of wrongdoing -Congress once again refused to protect Americans from indefinite detention without charge or trial -President Obama unilaterally has decided to arm the rebels in Syria, even though some of the rebels have pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda What’s going on with our government? I’ve been doing my best to find out—and to take action. But I need your continuing support [https://secure.piryx/donate/b3y1Ooay/justinamash/2013q2], because the Washington political class elites are working overtime to stop me. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been involved in each one of the above issues. From grilling Obama officials at a hearing on Benghazi, to leading the House effort to stop the government’s illegal spying on Americans, I’ve been working hard to represent our values and defend the Constitution. Some of this work is beginning to make a difference. Let me share some important news about one of the projects I’ve been working on. Most of us were shocked to learn that the government reportedly has been sweeping up data about our phone calls for the last seven years. How can the secretive NSA conduct surveillance without any suspicion of wrongdoing? Isn’t this snooping an unreasonable search or seizure in violation of the Fourth Amendment? You’re not alone if you were outraged by the government’s surveillance of your private conversations. I am, too. And, fortunately, we have a growing group of allies in Congress. Last Monday, I introduced a bill to block the NSA’s spying on innocent Americans. The bill is H.R. 2399, the LIBERT-E Act. [amash.house.gov/press-release/nsa-surveillance-amash-conyers-introduce-major-bill] It stops the government’s mass collection of phone records from Americans who have no connection to a government investigation. And it makes more public the secret court opinions that authorized that surveillance. Keeping our country safe and free should be a common goal. [https://secure.piryx/donate/b3y1Ooay/justinamash/2013q2] And when I began writing the bill, I thought that it had some potential to have broad, bipartisan support. But even with high expectations, the support for this legislation astounded me. As I write you now, 37 congressmen have sponsored or cosponsored the bill. Thirty-seven Members of Congress in just a few days! I am especially proud that the bill is bipartisan and that very senior members from across the aisle were willing to join me. The legislation has gotten national coverage [politico/story/2013/06/justin-amash-john-conyers-nsa-bill-92982.html], and many of my colleagues think it has a good chance of being enacted. All we hear is the same bad news about Congress: that D.C. is gridlocked, that elected officials are more consumed with petty political games than solving problems. For the most part, that’s true. But by sticking to my principles and paying attention to the policy details, I’m able to make progress on your behalf. We’re approaching the end of the second fundraising quarter. In the next week, we have to total our accounts and publicly report how much my campaign has raised. I want to continue being your voice in Washington. I’ve made a commitment to you. I promise to strive every day to be the most transparent and the hardest-working person in the United States Congress. But to continue that service, I need your help. [https://secure.piryx/donate/b3y1Ooay/justinamash/2013q2] Fundraising isn’t easy, and I try not to bug you too often with requests for help. This deadline in a week is really important. Frankly, it may determine whether a strong challenger emerges who tries to defeat me. With this critical quarter closing in a week, could you dig deep and donate $100, $500, or even $1,000 to help me secure my seat? [https://secure.piryx/donate/b3y1Ooay/justinamash/2013q2] Thanks again for your support. We’re doing this together. In liberty, Justin Amash P.S. Your donation of $1,000, $500, $100, or even $40 will make a big impact on my campaign. Can you show your support by making a contribution right now? [https://secure.piryx/donate/b3y1Ooay/justinamash/2013q2]
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 00:25:11 +0000

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