We need Spiritual Circumcision as the Church of God. - TopicsExpress


We need Spiritual Circumcision as the Church of God. Scripture reading:Joshua 5:4This is the reason Joshua circumcised them:All the soldiers had died on the way through the desert after they left Egypt(Gods Word Bible). When we talk about circumcision people think is a cultural thing,the circumcision is the covenant between God and men . Being circumcised physical doesnt make a man is just a mark of a sign .read Genesis 17:13Every male born in your household or bought with your money is to be circumcised without exception so my promise will be a sign on your flesh,an everlasting promise(Gods Word Bible). To be circumcised is just a sign that you are a man but the spiritual curcumcised is not a sign is make a real man. Im not against physical circumcised it is good we must be circumcised spiritual as the church the bible say God spoke to Joshua to made a flint knives and circumcised the men of Israel it mean the flint knives is the word of God read Hebrews 4:12for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any twoedged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow(KJV). The word of God circumcised of lifestyle to be holy,our flesh is born to sins but the word of God circumcised our flesh to be holy. The spiritual circumcised make us to fear God we cant have self-control without spiritual circumcised,Jesus say I will ask the father He will give you the Holy Spirit the purpose of the Holy Spirit is to curcumcised us. The period of being circumcised is very painful because God is curcumcised our old nature we cant serve God with the old nature we must be circumcised spiritual. The bible say the reason to be circumcised all the soldiers had died on the way through the desert . God must curcumcised us because all soldiers had died God cant use un-circumcised people spiritual the past generation soldiers are died soldiers like Rev Bhengu,Rev Ngidi,Rev Chiliza and Rev Duma those Heroes of Faith God was using them because they were circumcised by the Power of the Holy Spirit . God ready to use us in these generation but we must be circumcised by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Our character must be circumcised but the Power of the Holy Spirit. Our churches are full of un-circumcised people spiritual that why are very dry spiritual. Circumcised us God in the name of Jesus,many people love the Lord but their character doesnt glorify God circumcised them Holy Spirit. Many people are preaching the gospel others are the Bishops,Pastors,Apostle and Prophets are not spiritual circumcised. The spirit of fornication,spirit of pride,spirit of bitterness are inside the church because people are not circumcised spiritual . Amen!!!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 20:44:08 +0000

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