We need some prayers for some special needs tonight. Part is - TopicsExpress


We need some prayers for some special needs tonight. Part is dealing with Kyras diagnosis of her Learning disability which is complicated and trying to explain some things to her in a way she understands. I have a lot going on. As some of you know I fell a few weeks ago and did a number on my lower back and my neck and arms are still hurting. The lord has his one and he knows what is going on and the people trying to help us through it. So prayers are what we need to help it along. The devotional Greg was reading when some of this was going on was perfect. Beloved I want huge things to happen in your life because you have a huge God. Because I want so desperately for you to surrender your life to action-verb faith. I have asked God for something big on your behalf. Through the power of Jesus name, I have asked Him to show you a wonder or somehow visibly bless your diligent cooperation early in the process so that you will be encouraged to press on. My request of God is certainly not just for results but because nothing is like experiencing the affirming, undeniable nod of God. I m praying with all my might that He will do something obvious to show you youre on the right track.so that when seasons come with less evidences, youll have the unwavering assurance that God is believable. I have had a major break through with some things I have been dealing with my whole life and I am not going to be anyones doormat ever again. I refuse to be bullied and picked on and made to feel stupid when I know I am not. I realized that this has been a pattern my whole life and it stops now. When I Had to deal with my first surgeries I had people try to tell me that I should be recovered in days or 2weeks. They had no clue how bad my situation really was and still is. I have had 4 BRAIN AND SPINAL SURGERIES AND TWO KINDS OF CANCER ONE CAUSED BY THE DRUG THAT WAS SUPOSED TO PREVENT MY FIRST CANCER FROM COMING BACK; INSTEAD I WAS BLEEDING TO THE POINT OF HEMORAGING AND HAD TO ENDURE MORE PAINFUL TESTS AND BIOPSIES TO BE TOLD ANOTHER CANCER WAS TRYING TO FORM , AND A TOTAL OF 8 SURGERIES, A LIFE THREATENING INFECTION THAT CAUSED ME TO BLACK OUT DAILY AND CAUSE MULTIPLE FRACTURES IN 2 VERTEBRA AND SHATTER TITANIUM SCREWS AND EVEN BENT TITANIUM RODS INTO MY LUNG CAVITY: THIS CAUSED THE HARDWARE TO MOVE WITH EVERY MOVE I MADE AND THEY COULD NOT DO SURGERY TO FIX IT UNTIL THE ABSECESS CAUSED BY RADIATION HEALED, I HAVE HAD TO DEAL WITH MEMORY LOSS AND BRAIN DAMAGE AND CHEMO BRAIN, DEPRESSION AND THE LOSS OF CONTACT WITH PEOPLE I THOUGHT WERE FRIENDS WHO DISAPPEARED FROM MY LIFE, I WAS A PRISONER IN MY HOME AS I COULD NOT DRIVE AND WAS VERY LIMITED ON WHAT I COULD DO, THEN I HAD TO HAVE GASTRIC BYPASS -THE SLEEVE PROCEDURE DONE AS IT WAS THE ONLY WAY I COULD LOSE WEIGHT , NOT BEING ABLE TO FIND ANY HELP TO MAKE OUR LIVES EASIER LIKE GETTING A RAMP ON THE HOUSE OR A WAY TO GET MY WHEELCHAIR THAT TOOK FOREVER TO GET. I HAVE JUMPED THROUGH EVERY HOOP AND DONE WHAT I WAS TOLD TO DO AND STILL COULD NOT FIND HELP DUE TO MY AGE. THE WORST PART WAS I LOST MY MOTHER AND 4 OTHER CLOSE FAMILY MEMBERS IN 1.5 YEARS AND HAD TO GIVE UP MY DREAM JOB AND LIVELYHOOD, EVEN THOUGH I WAS BULLIED DAILY FOR YEARS AND OTHERS WERE TOLD I WAS NOT A GOOD TEACHER OR OTHER LIES THAT I KNEW WERE NOT TRUE.... I am not yelling but I want those that think what I have dealt with is miner to realize I should not be alive right now if it were not for the hand of GOD!!! He has brought the right people and doctors into my life and saved me each and every time. I gave him my life and I will do his work. I am proud to be an ANGEL BABY SEAMSTRESS FOR THE NICU HELPING HANDS I LOST 2 BABIES OF MY OWN and I do not want others to have to go through that alone. I want their angels to have special gowns to wear for their parents to be able to dress them and hold them and take their pictures and have something special to remember them by. I may not be able to teach any more but I can sew for these sweet angels. The Lord will provide the way for us to get the ramp on our house and a porch across to the front door that has a roof due to bad guttering and the side porch will be enclosed so I can store and charge my chair. This is not the perfect house for a person with my handicaps, but it is home and we will make the most of it and try to make it work. I am applying for a grant through Lowes Hardware to get help and need a contractor or building company that will work with a non-profit. It is in Gods hands for this to work out and I will do my best to help it with his guidance. You cant judge a book by its cover and you cant tell all the things people deal with just by looking at them so unless you are ready to walk a mile in their shoes do not judge because so many illnesses are not visible just by looking at a person and remember what you say to a person can affect their whole lives, age does not matter. God has made me a strong woman and the saying goes That God will not give you more than what you and he cant handle and it will make you stronger for it, I dont know his whole plan for me, but I do know I am finding the NEW ME AND THAT IS WHY THE BUTTERFLY AND BELIEVE IN THE DREAM HAVE BEEN MY ANTHEM FOR MY JOURNEY. I STILL HAVE ALOT OF WORK TO DO AND IT TAKES BABY STEPS AND I HAVE TO REMEMBER THAT DAILY. SOMETIMES I FEEL BETTER THAN OTHER DAYS AND I DO TOO MUCH AND I PAY FOR IT FOR AT LEAST THE NEXT WEEK. I THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS AND HELP. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH AND WORDS DO NOT EXPRESS MY FEELINGS AT TIMES.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 03:44:23 +0000

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