We travel many roads during our Lifetime, meet many People and - TopicsExpress


We travel many roads during our Lifetime, meet many People and learn so much from each Experience. Many of us in Our quest for Survival dont Always give enough time to the importance of of learning to sometimes just sit by the side of a road and get to know the people as they pass, most who pass most times are on their own Journey and dont take the time to get to know the people they meet on their way to other places. As time passes and we get older we look back on the many times we missed out on Experiencing something new, because in Our Hurry as Youth we feel we have All the time in the World and one day we find our self wishing we could return, but life has gone on, opportunities were missed, people for whatever Reason have gone from the Place we met them. A Chance Missed, an Opportunity lost, a Friendship that did not grow into its Bloom. Life is Full of many Beautiful things and people, but if we never give the one thing that should be Free, a minute for a conversation to someone who is feeling lonely, A Flower from our Garden to someone who is Ill, A lesson to a Child, A hug to someone who has not felt the Warmth of another, the enjoyment of the Sun as it Rises in the Morning and sets later in the day. Yes Living dictates that we should make a living, but if in the Living we dont Enjoy Life at the End of the day what exactly did we accomplish? Sometimes we can be a little Selfish and take a minute to Ourself, because we must Realize that as a part of Society if we dont take care of our self we dont have the Energy to take care of the people in our Lives nor the People of the Universe. Today is a Good Day to Reflect back on the Mistakes weve made and try to Rectify them, if we Wronged someone make it right, if we passed a beggar on the street and looked at him with disgust ask for forgiveness and remember it could be you, If a Friend asked for a favor and you ignored it, go back and make it right, If you have a neighbor struggling with illness go over with a pot of soup, or just go over and ask what you can do to help make things a little easier. Today is a Good Day to Send out Positive Vibes to the Universe because even if you dont know someone specifically in dire need, Your Prayer might touch Someone and make their world a better Place. Today surround Yourself with Love. Today Put the Needs of Someone else First. Today Put the Universe on Your Prayer list. Today Open Your Heart To Love. Today Remember how Fortunate You Are.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 13:17:42 +0000

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