Wednesday, December 17: A Time to Seek In order to - TopicsExpress


Wednesday, December 17: A Time to Seek In order to evaluate the phrase, “a time to seek,” I must look at it out of context. For, in reality, it is one component in a catalogue of events for which there is a specific time. I have always known that there is a time for every event under the sun. Or, to be more truthful, I have always intuited that there is a time for these listed events. Rather than look at it as one contrasted element in a list, it is convenient to regard it unto itself. Very briefly, then, Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living. This implies seeking – seeking what path to follow, seeking what one’s moral and ethical values are, and seeking to know God. e.e. cummings wrote, “seeker of truth, follow no path, all paths lead where, truth is here.” His slant on seeking smacks of existentialism or Zen. In other words, don’t seek! Hardly a viable solution for the Western mind, and yet… and yet… I was in a second stage of life when I met Carolanne. I was no longer seeking. And, PRESTO! Mirabile dictu! I had found the woman God had intended for me all along. Truth was indeed here. As a young family, we deemed it necessary to raise our children in a church home. As I had been brought up on the Southern Baptist church, my wife had been raised as a Disciple. After some disaffection with the local Baptist church, we tried Tropical Sands Christian Church, as she knew a couple of people from her work place that attended here. Thus it has been the process of seeking and not seeking that has given us the life that we enjoy today. Yes, there is seeming futility in the book of Ecclesiastes. But there is hope, as well. Now, may I mention our Lord’s invocation: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God?” Tom Brown
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 10:00:00 +0000

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