Wednesday March 12ths vibration (12+3+2+0+1+4) = 22 (/4). It’s - TopicsExpress


Wednesday March 12ths vibration (12+3+2+0+1+4) = 22 (/4). It’s master number time again! The 22 vibration is capable of great achievements. Through the grounding root of the 4, 22 manifests the grand scheme of things down here in physical reality and for this reason amongst others, this number is known as the MASTER ARCHITECT, the builder using celestial blueprints! 4 is the work and manifestation vibration, and the root essence of 22’s energy is the drive to build something that is of lasting value to humanity and the evolution of consciousness as a whole. This is where we discover our true purpose, our true vocation in life. Finding ones purpose moves us into a state of bliss, we have found what we are searching for and we become truly happy. The Hebrew alphabet contains 22 letters and each letter represents the creative principles and archetypes of all creation. So 22 is often represented as a circle, the container of all, which in turn symbolises the UNITY and complete perfection of the source of ALL-THAT-IS. The symbolism of the circle and its connection to the master number 22 is also emphasised when we look at TAROT card 22, the FOOL. This card holds a unique position in the Tarot deck. It has two numbers associated with it: the zero, 0, or the circle, and 22. The Fool (as the 0) is the symbol of the life force before entering manifestation, and 22 is the Fool at the end of his journey, having walked the 21 keys of the Major Arcana, completing the Alchemists path with a full cycle of awareness and experience, and stepping once more beyond the present realm of perceptual awareness into a new dimension of unlimited potential. The image on traditional decks depicts a carefree soul who is about to step off the mountain path, seemingly to oblivion, which is why he appears foolish. But it is only now after integrating all the initiations of the previous steps in the Major Arcana, that the Fool can take that final leap of faith, transcend fear and limitation, and let his spirit soar up and beyond even the high pinnacle of achievement symbolised by the mountain path. He carries a white rose of purified desire. He has transformed himself from a desire-driven fool into a compassion-driven Bodhisattva. A Bodhisattva is “an enlightened being who, out of compassion, foregoes nirvana in order to save others”. And again, this is where the cynics name this being “the FOOL”. The fool as the 22 has seen Paradise, but rather than ignore the manifest realm (the animal kingdom; symbolised by the dog, who is reminding him of his duty to share his immense wisdom and vision on the earth) he is compelled to teach others, and not for selfish profit either. The Fool has no possessions, just a little bag of wisdom and magic that carries with him on his travels. He holds a staff with a handkerchief tied to one end, he travels very lightly. The word fool comes from the Latin root, follis, translating as “a bag of wind”. Most visionaries are considered to be fools initially, often to well beyond their exit from the material realm. Their theories are considered nonsense, a load of hot air being puffed forth from nothing more than a bag of wind. However, these fools are tuned into their super-conscious, and are prepared and courageous enough to take one more leap of faith, as you are, today! Visit the PERSONAL MANDALAS page daily to read the daily date vibration reports! Daily vibe/mandala/tarot posts by Rosalind Pape @ https://facebook/PersonalMandalas blueprint4creation https://facebook/PersonalMandalas/photos/a.359505084086121.74895.145451122158186/435957839774178/?type=3&theater
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:33:33 +0000

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