Wednesday Wisdom - CMS Total Fitness You have been doing the - TopicsExpress


Wednesday Wisdom - CMS Total Fitness You have been doing the same routine for awhile now, and it was working... but now, suddenly, nothing seems to be changing. Youve hit a wall, and maybe even reaching that dreaded plateau. Busting through a plateau is easy if you just manipulate one of the four FITT Principles. The FITT Principle is composed of four variables; Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type. You can adjust just one, or all, but a little change in the routine can get you going back on the right track. Frequency- How OFTEN do you work out? Maybe if youve been only going 3 days a week, its time to add a 4th day Intensity- How HARD do you work out? If you know you arent pushing yourself, maybe its time to step it up! DO something different. Get your bounce on in class. Raise your hands higher, hold your pose longer...Little tweaks = better results! Time- How LONG do you work out? 45 minutes to an hour..Utilizing the HIIT method will get better results than just a flat cardio routine! Type- What KIND of exercise do you do? Are you only doing cardio? Do you just take Zumba and nothing else? Maybe its time to lift some weights, take a different class or machine, try kick box or Power Yoga. Remember, the body gets used to doing the same things over and over. You may have heard of Muscle Confusion This is the theory that the body will never plateau if you are constantly changing up your routine. You can create your own muscle confusion by always remembering the variables of the FITT Principle.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 15:23:00 +0000

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