Welcome to Day 54! Alma 58-61 Friday Oct. 24, 2014 - TopicsExpress


Welcome to Day 54! Alma 58-61 Friday Oct. 24, 2014 More passion from Captain Moroni today!! First, he rejoices exceedingly in Helaman’s success in regaining some of the Nephite cities that had been lost to the Lamanites. Then he is exceedingly sorrowful when he learns the city of Nephihah has been captured by the Lamanites. This converts to anger, and he is TOTALLY ticked off at the government for neglecting to send reinforcements. He gives Pahoran, the chief judge, a ROYAL tongue lashing!! You sit in a state of thoughtless stupor on your throne...because of your great neglect...the blood of thousands shall come upon your head for vengeance...ye sit in idleness...have ye forgotten the commandments?...I do not fear you...we know not what but ye are also traitors...except ye administer to our relief...I come unto you to smite you with the sword! Ooookay. That might be where I put the letter down. But Pahoran was as equally amazing as Moroni and did not take offense at Moroni’s tirade. Nor was he turned off by his threat to come attack and kill him! Haha! Thats where Id draw the line. But no, Pahoran actually REJOICED in Moroni’s love of liberty! And now, in your epistle you have censured me, but it mattereth not; I am not angry, but do rejoice in the greatness of your heart. What an AMAZING guy!! He was going through a dreadful time of it back home due to the weaselly king-men, but he instantly forgave Moroni and sought to come to his aid. Its a beautiful thing to see how Pahoran and Moroni came together, united in love and righteousness, and the battles they won as a result. Big take home lessons today: We can always choose not to be offended. We should avoid making unkind judgments about others. Often we must suffer a while before the Lord grants relief (its good for us...darn it). And finally, when we unite in righteousness with others, we are stronger in our battles against evil! Enjoy a rousing read with lots of gems along the way! Get that highlighter ready... Come to the blog for videos, music and more: comingtochristtogether.blogspot/2013/12/day-54-alma-58-61.html
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 09:23:04 +0000

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