Well, I feel pretty stupid for not noticing this before, - TopicsExpress


Well, I feel pretty stupid for not noticing this before, considering I am into esoteric stuff -- hidden meanings -- but the Google Chrome logo is basically #666 around a center point that would be the o of the 6, with the lines of the 6 outside of the o also creating a counter-clockwise spiral, which is the destruction cycle from chinese astrology. Anyone who knows me knows I am not a Christian, but I will not ignore blatant symbolism if it indicates that there are people just like any devout Christian that actually puts faith in mass deadly deception, might is right or along those lines. I take it very seriously and even if they are only trying to scare Christians, there is a good reason for that as well that isnt just. What I did already know, however, is the Internet_Explorer e symbol represents Saturn. The Judaic religions all worship Saturn in their own way, and Saturn is basically Satan (Judaic cabalism labels Saturn as Satan in character relations, as well) or represents the Snake (6th planet from our sun Sol, 6th chinese sign) which is obviously related. Saturn symbolism is extremely prevalent in our Globalist Capitalist futuristic society and it should not be ignored. Saturn worship is ancient and typically involves sacrificing_children. Hundreds of thousands of children go missing annually in the US and UK and somehow the FBI has no idea why. Yeah, sure. They are probably the ones doing it. The reason Satan is related to both a Snake and Sheep or goat is because the Snake and Sheep signs in Chinese astrology are the only Female Fire signs, which literally in this system makes them Feminine Heaven signs, because Fire is of the Sun which relates to Heaven. This is why there is Baphomet, basically a twisted, bestial metaphor for Jesus role, as if he were to have accepted Satans offer (ala the Bible stories). This is why Satan and Jesus are easily confused for one another; how Satanists can claim Satan is this underdog martyr, or whatever they wish to believe. Plus, Hell is supposed to be all fire, which is ironic considering Chinese astrology and the connections the characters have to the planets, and the elements true meaning. Water, or outer space -- the abyss -- is represented as black or blue. This doesnt mean Hell, because everyone is tortured in order to be made to drink the tea of forgetfulness and forget ones life, and walk in a line to reincarnate, according to ancient Chinese belief. Fire as heaven likely is astronomical, as they could easily imagine that the sun is a giant ball of fire because its bright and gives off heat, and since its in the heavens, Fire is heaven. But it has deeper implications metaphorically, when you identify what signs have what elements inherently, and what those elements mean and how they react with other signs and other elements. For example, the only Male Fire sign is the Horse, which being the seventh sign means its the seventh planet, Uranus. Nestled directly in between Saturn and Neptune, which is Satan and Jesus, or the Snake and the Sheep. These are the Fire signs and they happen to all be next to each other, and matches up with Judaic cabalistic planet diagrams perfectly. I go over this would-be-obvious-metaphor-if-only-people-studied-both-subjects in detail here: https://facebook/notes/10202274820140031/ Heres an excerpt: 1. Mercury = Rat (Male Water) + 2. Venus = Cow (Female Earth) - 3. Earth = Tiger (Male Wood) + 4. Mars = Rabbit (Female Wood) - 5. Jupiter = Dragon (Male Earth) + 6. Saturn = Snake (Female Fire) - 7. Uranus = Horse (Male Fire) + 8. Neptune = Sheep (Female Fire) - 9. Monkey (Male Metal) + 10. Rooster (Female Metal) - 11. Dog (Male Earth) + 12. Pig (Female Water) - In the diagrams I am referring to, Jupiter is The Father (God, which fits the Dragons role in Chinese myth); Saturn is Satan or Lucifer; Uranus is The Kingdom of Heaven; and Neptune is Jesus or Christ. Pluto is also located in the path from Earth directly to Uranus, but it is referenced as Daath, which is like a spiritual void that mortals cannot cross without losing all of what makes up who they are as a person (describes losing your soul, or personality, if you try to cross without a divine hall pass, basically). You see, the personalities of the signs match perfectly in relation to one another as do the characters that represent these signs. (Chinese astrology is thousands of years older than Judaism or Christianity, folks.) The Kingdom of Heaven is the Horse, which is the best at carrying out projects to its chosen end, which is going to be directed by either the Dragon, Snake or Sheep because they have the best relation to the Horse. Horses are like Generals. Famous Horses in ancient history are typically Warlords like Oda Nobunaga, or Cao Cao. Interestingly, they both claimed to have been chosen by Heaven, while they actually committed horrible acts that were logical in order to achieve absolute victory, but certainly brutal, vile, and evil by todays standards. However, in a war-torn land and era where death surrounds you, some calculated actions to bring unification could easily have been justified, to be fair. But in our current age, obviously I believe those actions are totally unacceptable and those who use it do not deserve the power, or demigod status, etcetera. Many signs have their best pairs. The best pair for the Horse is the Snake and Sheep, even though they are all Fire signs and this would seem to bring imbalance. Personality wise, they fit very well, so I suppose it is a testament to open-mindedness when it comes to determining compatibility, in looking past elemental reactions (Fire vs Water for example). The Snake basically wraps around the horse and knows exactly how to please him to get what she wants, and thus is the mastermind and manipulator. However, a good snake could keep an otherwise simple horse in check, but this is sadly less likely, though not very uncommon. The Horse and Sheep as a combination are much more peaceful. The Sheep wants peace and quiet, stability and sensitivity and the Horse is well equipped to both properly nurture and appreciate these qualities in the Sheep, likely because though the horse is capable of great things, it has a big heart like the Tiger, or Dragon, and likely in a world that is not overwhelmed with hardship, disaster and ugliness, it would not seek to harm anyone at all. So a corrupt heaven involves the Snake and Horse, and a peaceful, righteous one involves the Sheep and Horse. In ancient/occult Judaism, they sacrifice sheep or goats and God supposedly commanded this was acceptable in place of humans, which they sacrificed prior to this command from Heaven. The point of the sacrifice is to send the executioners sins (and even a group of people affiliated with the killer) into the sheep, or the one that they are killing. This makes it sound like they thought Sin was something like a sickness you had physically in your body, which could be cast out. The way we see it now, sin is a metaphor for evil actions, likely selfish, greedy, harmful, etc. So for people to think they can become free of sin by slitting the throat of a pure being and draining its blood and performing a ritual with it is absolutely depraved, backwards and ironic -- truly the greatest travesty imaginable. Now, what you and everyone else must understand is that obviously Jesus being the Lamb of God and dying for our sins by being tortured and slowly killed in a ritualistic manner is a metaphor for Judaic ritual of actual sheep. He never existed either because his story is a copy of dozens of figures before his time that goes back to Ra the sun god of Egypt. The numbers and spans of time used in the story are astrological in nature. You may have seen Zeitgeist and are familiar with this, but honestly I do not find any point to Western / Tropical / Sidereal Zodiac (you know, the one with Virgos and Leos and all that) besides it serving as a reference to astronomy itself -- literal constellations, time and date keeping, celestial calendars. The Chinese Zodiac is not based on Constellations AT ALL. It was however also used for date keeping as a complex calendar in ancient China, after it appeared at some unknown point. The myth goes that the Yellow Emperor (the first dragon god) descended and gave the primitive people of ultra-ancient China the tricks to civilization including agriculture, acupuncture, the written language, advanced mathematics for building and maintaining large amounts of things for many people, and lastly all the knowledge of the Chinese zodiac. I may be missing quite a few things, but my point is the latter. Much like the ancient aliens theories, it goes for this too that its one of two possibilities if the astrology is true (which it greatly seems to be from my perspective of testing its accuracy for so long and with great success): 1.) Something gave them the knowledge and we still do not understand the fundamental reasons as to why it works this way (but we may have theories); 2.) It wasnt given to us by anyone but ourselves, or more specifically, the civilizations that existed before we destroyed ourselves had progressed to such a vast degree they were logically and rationally able to discern these complex patterns in personalities relating to exact time and place of birth, along with the relative location of the sun and moon to the earth. I do think it could have been discovered, but when I think of the complexity and accuracy, and how the fundamental reasons as to why it is accurate is totally unknown, Im sure it would not have naturally progressed to this point at our current level of sophistication yet. Thats enough for now. Hope it was a little enlightening, inspiring, interesting, or whatevs.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:11:40 +0000

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