Well, I guess today is one of those times I will talk about being - TopicsExpress


Well, I guess today is one of those times I will talk about being grateful for the memories made by my and my brothers early childhood friends. There were six little kids, Tommy Hostler, Jimmy Holden and myself were all about the same age, and our older brothers, Paul Hostler, Rufus Holden and my brother, Butch, were about the same age. I guess we younger ones were around 4 years old and the older ones around 5-1/2 years old. Rufus was a real sweetheart. Looking back, I now realize Rufus was probably just so happy to be included in our little gang, that he would go along with most anything we decided to do. Thinking of Rufus, he always walked with his head tilted a little to the side and kind of looking up. Now I know, his vision was very poor which resulted in him being a follower and the rest of us were definitely leaders. Later in life he wore very thick glasses. To set the scene: Our playground was the alley behind our houses, we lived on one side of the alley, Hostlers and Holdens on the other. Hostlers property had a coal house on their lot that sat on the property line with the back of it to the alley. There was also one other coal house on the property that adjoined theirs that I set on fire when I was little but thats a whole different story. Anyhow, Hostlers coal house was no longer used as a coal house so we made it our playhouse. It even had an upstairs loft. One day, we were in the coal house playing and happened to spot an old enema bag hanging on a nail on Hostlers back porch. Underneath that enema bag was a bucket full of dirty old scrub water. Light bulb moment, we could give somebody an enema. Poor Rufus. He agreed to the enema. We filled the enema bag with dirty scrub water and the boys proceeded up the ladder to the loft. My brother, Butchie, made me stay downstairs. After all, Rufus was going to take his pants down, and being I was the only girl, I was not allowed to watch. That is.......until it got so funny up there they invited me on up. Well, I thought it was as funny as the rest of the little gang and they injected Rufus with a full enema bag of dirty scrub water. We waited around a while for the results of the enema, each with a picture in our mind of Rufus exploding waste product (if you know what I mean), all over the place. Well, nothing happened. We waited, and waited and waited. We finally all went home. Nothing happened with Rufus as far as any movement went for almost a week. Yep, we had fixed Rufus up real good. Poor little guy had a terrible stomach ache but not a one of us talked and told our parents what we did or what might be wrong with Rufus. Finally and at last Rufus had a moving experience and not only was he greatly relieved but his little gang was too, because after so long we were afraid Rufus may never poop again. How in the world he didnt get some terrible infection from that dirty water being introduced into his system remains a mystery still today. Guess someone was watching over little Rufus. Three of the six of us are gone now, Tommy, Jimmy and Rufus. Still see Paul and, of course, my brother. What I wouldnt give to revisit those times once again and thats why I am so grateful for those childhood memories. They are so very precious.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 19:22:46 +0000

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