Well, I join the ranks of nearly 7 million people who have lost - TopicsExpress


Well, I join the ranks of nearly 7 million people who have lost insurance due to Obamacare. My employer can no longer offer our plan anymore. They tried to hold on by cancelling some features, but I just heard today we’re losing the plan. I’m thankful for the way my employer has been to us, meeting with us, and offering help in transitioning to private plans or Obamacare. My current doctor does not accept any Obamacare plans, but he did accept my current plan. So I’m already worse off if I sign up for Obamacare. Plus, the Obamacare plans mostly look dreadful, if I could get signed up at all. And, the prices are killers unless you accept a huge federal subsidy, which is against what I believe about personal responsibility. I will be reviewing other options. It isn’t right what Obama did, and a lot of people are suffering from it, and I want no part of it. I do not know who the Republican nominee for Senate will be, and I don’t even know who I want it to be. But I will be voting for the GOP nominee against Sen. Mark Begich, even if the GOP nominee is a shoe or a sack of rocks. Begich repeated Obama’s promise: “If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period. If you like your doctor, you can keep him. Period.” Well, I lost my plan, and I cannot keep my doctor under Obamacare. I was lied to, and lost on every count. But enough with that. It is a beautiful day in a still-awesome State. I’m still blessed to be an American, and I’ll keep praying for the President. Not because I like him. Practically everything he’s done has hurt me and my future. But this nation is so much bigger than me. This nation was the example of liberty to the world. And with God’s blessing, perhaps our current or future leaders will turn from the paths they are on and return to what we should have been. It is my hope that, 100 years from now, in some tyrannical nation around the world, you might still hear the oppressed saying “let’s leave for America.”
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:20:46 +0000

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