Well... Its colder than witches titties in a brass bra! Does a - TopicsExpress


Well... Its colder than witches titties in a brass bra! Does a bear poop in the woods? Colder than a well diggers butt in a klondike. Dont let your mouth write a check your hiney cant take to the bank! Dont get your panties in a wad So and so couldnt find his butt with both hands, a garden rake and a spot light on it. Squeaky wheel gets the oil, but sometimes it gets replaced. Hes as useless as tits on a bull!!! I dont got a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of!!!! Whats that got to do with the price of tea in China? Dont just stand there with your face hanging out! Thatd gag a maggot on a gut wagon! well, shit fire, & save the matches Stop crying or Ill give you something to cry about! Ill knock you into the middle of next week! Nervous as a long tailed tom cat in a room full of rocking chairs! If you had a brain You would take it out and play with it! Pot calling the kettle black, aye!? If you cant take the heat then get outta the kitchen! This is slower as molasses. Ole boy down the road is dumber than a box of rocks. Youre cruisin for a bruisin. Tough titty said the kitty but the milk ran dry. Shoot, you all over that, like flies on dog mess. You aint the sharpest knife in the drawer, are ya? Well I brought you into this world and I can take you out! Havent had this much fun since grandma got her boob caught in the ringer. 😂 Well thats about as useless as a screen door on a submarine. Shoot girl, you finer than a frogs hair split four ways & sanded down. Well I bet youd gripe & moan if your ice cream was cold. You might be a few cards short of a full deck. That one is slicker than greased owl turds. Im gonna knock the taste right outta your mouth! Dumb as a stump... & dead as a door nail... but happy as a tick on a fat dog. Better to have it & not need it than to need it & not have it. I wouldnt walk across the street to wiz on him if he was on fire! 😂😂😂
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 20:03:46 +0000

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