Well, as I often start my posts, Im not in the Qantas lounge, Im - TopicsExpress


Well, as I often start my posts, Im not in the Qantas lounge, Im not going anywhere, Im reflecting on a year full of highs and lows and achievments. So many of my students have done really well, learned more, understood more and grown in many ways. Theyve supported me through their attendance at my lessons amd clinics, aswell as messages and calls. Theyve publicly won big events and privately won personal battles and goals. I gage clinics at several new locations and loved doing them and meeting the great people in each location. Well done and co gratulations to you all and thank you. Ive taught them, and tried to keep costs down so thatmore people can afford help, Ive donated lessons to those who cant afford them and ive attended competition to support and coach my students for minimal costs just to help them out. Ive enjoyed seeing them perform well and ride their training and so often win or PB and hope theyve enjoyed my sponsorship in this way. Personally, Ive won some and lost some, just like everyone. Ive successfully upgraded all of my qualifications this year, taking a lot of time, money and commitment. Being onthe other side of learning made me think lots. I met some wonderful honest, straight forward professionals, who provided honest, profesional, productive feedback to really help me progress. I met people from all over the world through my judging and saw some places and people I never would have as a school teacher and principal. I achieved my 3/4****.FEI Eventing Judge Qualification and was included in the FEI Global Education Program and nd will spend April and some of May overseas judging as some amazing events and meet even more true professionals, encouraging, supportive, capable people, who Im sure will be willing to help me to be the best I can be. Which is all I want. Oh, and to be treated fairly. Thanks you to all EA officials and FEI officials who supported my application for this. I finished my NCAS Level 3 Dressage Coach qualification and learned lots about so many things, even myself. I also achieve Judge Educator status for my dressage judging and really enjoyed working with the judges subcommittee coach educators to gain this qualification. Huge steps forward for me, even though shaky at times. I learned that sometimes, in the places I didnt realise, I had support and people who appreciate me and what I do and they follow my progress and posts and gain some comfort, joy, inspiration and/or peace from the posts I make. I vowed to only put positive or helpful things on fb and am trying to live by that. To all the people who have been encouraging and positive to me about me work, my effort tory to help us be nicers to each other and inclusive of each other, and who follow my posts, adventures, highs and the odd time when I show my sadness or insecurity or loss of direction, I sincerely thank you. I so appreciate what you do for me, it keeps me going more than you will ever know. So to each and every kneof you, to those who share Christmas with people who love you, and tothose who think they spend Christmas alone, youre not alone, because if we use fb well, we can connect with so many people who mag well need someone to just say, thinking of you, Merry Christmas. Pardon this long post, but its been a long hard year, and thank god for the people on here lately, who have redirected my energies to keep going and be bigger and better than ever before, no matter what obstacles are put in my way. Merry Christmas everyone. I hope this song Im attempting to add to this post helps to clarify what Im about, and the message Im trying to send, love to all. Pete m.youtube/watch?v=h1TTnPdZOZI
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 06:06:55 +0000

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