Well i promised you all if i got more then 5 likes, id post a - TopicsExpress


Well i promised you all if i got more then 5 likes, id post a niall imagine, so enjoy, its pretty long :) hope you all like it, comment what you guys think :) ~~~ You looked at the clock for the millionth time in the past five minutes. 11:54 pm April 27th. He wasn’t coming was he? But he promised. He never broke a promise. Ever. 11:56 pm April 27th. You walked around the living room. He’s not coming. He doesn’t want to come, he rather be with his friends. You got up, and got the cake from the counter and placed it on the table. You walked over to one of the drawers and grabbed some candles and a lighter, carefully lighting each one. Maybe his plane was late. You got out your computer and looked up his flight. Flight 0034 from Mullingar, Ireland to (where ever you live) April 27th 2013: Departure: 4:34 pm Arriving: 10:27 pm He landed. You thought happily. He landed. Then it hit you. He landed. About an hour and half ago. It only takes about half an hour to go through security and such, well even less, seeing as he was with the rest of the band. And it’s a 20 minute ride over here. So that should of only taken him like at the most 50 minutes. 11:59 pm April 27th. He wasn’t coming, was he? Flash Back: “Babe, I’ll be home in time, don’t worry.” He said into the phone. “You promise?” You spoke quietly, your voice echoing off the walls of the elevator. You were getting nervous. “I promise (y/n).” He said, you could hear his smile through the phone. You leaned on one of sides, as you started to hyperventilate. “Sweetie, are you ok?” You heard your worried boyfriend on the other line say. You felt like there was no air and as if the walls were closing in on you. You took deep breaths. “Claustrophobic.” You answered. The only word you were able to make out. “(y/n) breathe. Take a deep breath. In and out.” Your boyfriend kept repeating those lines. In and out. Deep breath. The doors finally opened, and you got out as fast as you can. “You alright now love?” He asked, still worried. “Yeah, I’m fine,” You lied. “Well, I will be. I just need some air.” You walked out into the busy street. “That’s good, look I need to go. Bye, I love you.” He said, happy and sad at the same time. It tore me to hear him worry about me. I was fine, honestly. Its just, I don’t know. Me and small places don’t work well. “Oh ok, bye, love you.” You hung up the phone, and slid it into your back pocket. End of flash back: 12:01 am April 28th. 20 years old. Here’s to another birthday. Alone. You blew out the candles and made a wish. I wish Niall was here. 12:05 pm April 28th. You sat on the couch, your eye lids getting heavy. Maybe he’s stuck in traffic. Stop being silly, its midnight, there’s no traffic. 12:30 pm April 28th. You finally gave up, and let sleep over take you. You slowly shut your eye lids. It was your birthday. 20 years old. It wasn’t a big deal to you, not having a party and all. You also never really saw the use in presents. Well, kind of. There would always be that one person who out did all the presents, and that one person who gave you either something you already had, or gave you stuff like underwear and socks. Niall had missed you past 3 birthdays. The first time it didn’t really matter. You two were only friends at the time. But the other times, he was always on tour. He’d skype you, and all the boys would sing happy birthday to you, or if they had a show on your birthday, they would get the whole crowd to sing for you, which was nice, don’t get me wrong, you loved it, it made your day to hear Nialls angle voice. You’d get a bunch of tweets from friends and fans, and the normal phone calls from your parents and siblings. But it was nothing like having Niall with you. You wished for the year when Niall would be with you on your birthday, that’s all you really ever wanted. And he promised he’d make it this year. He promise he’d be here for the clock hit midnight. He promised you wouldn’t be alone on your birthday. 4:17 am April 28th. The door creaked open, to reveal a tired looking Niall. You rubbed the tiredness out of your eyes, wondering if this was just a dream. You looked up once again, and he was gone. It was a dream (y/n), he’s not coming, its going to be like it always is. You thought, as you felt the tears run down your cheek. You were still on the couch, your head at one end, and your feet at the other. You pulled a cover over your shivering body, and huddled for warmth, before sleep took over your body once again. 10:06 am April 28th. You swung your feet over the couch, and moved the cover to the side before making your way to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth, and brushed out your hair. You looked at the calendar in the hall, moving your finger along to todays date, making sure you weren’t a day behind. Sunday April 28th. You were correct. It was your birthday. You grabbed your phone from the ground and unlocked it just to find, just as you expected, a bunch of twitter notifications, missed calls from your parents, and text messages. But none from the person you wanted one from the most. Niall. 10:15 am April 28th. You flipped through the channels on the TV, before you heard your stomach growl. Ignoring it the 1st time, you went back to watching TV. 10:20 am April 28th. You got up, and made your way to the kitchen. You stood there, speechless. On the table was a stack of blue berry pancakes, with a little note folded in half in front of it. Dear (y/n), I know I promised to be here before the clock hit midnight. But the boys and I lost track of time talking to fans, and missed our flights. I would of called you, but by the time we found out we couldn’t get on the flight, all of our phones were out of battery, and us being the stupid boys we are, thought it would be a good idea to pack our chargers in our suitcases. I made you breakfast when I got in around 7, I didn’t want to wake you, but I went back to sleep. Well. Happy birthday baby. Love You. Niall
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 05:30:59 +0000

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