Well, it looks like Al Sharpton, Jessse Jacskon, Holder, obama and - TopicsExpress


Well, it looks like Al Sharpton, Jessse Jacskon, Holder, obama and the rest of the race baiters got their wish. We now have TWO dead officers. A Latino and an Asian that were gunned down while doing their jobs. Funny, I was under the impression it was white officers they were after. Once again, the under educated, obama voting, non thinking thug, misses again. I want to know what the DOJ is going to do to investigate this? I want to know if the DOJ will indict the head of the DOJ and Mr. Sharpton for inciting riots and killings of our police officers? I want to know what the General public will do about this unconscionable act that these, self imposed leaders have perpetrated? Isnt it odd that the conservatives saw the military equipment the police took possession of over the years as a threat to us, that now they will become a treat to ALL! The police will do what they need to protect themselves and their families. I see martial Law on the horizon and the military helping police the masses. Funny, a Liberal/progressive obama voter I know said that is illegal and against the Constitution to give the military that power... so is most everything else obama has done up to now... Humm. I can tell you now, IF you protest and block the roadways, I know the GO pedal is on the right. It is an infraction of the law to block roadways, but remember, if you are not on a stated cross walk, and I hit you, you are Jaywalking and I get a PASS! Just a heads up for you. The meanings of pedestrian signal indications are summarized in Section 4E.02 of the national Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Final note... If you conceal carry in an area with... Issues I recommend you use your RIGHT! Do the right thing, Defend a Cop doing their Job!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:16:47 +0000

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