Well, its not like for years that those that opposed my view - TopicsExpress


Well, its not like for years that those that opposed my view havent been told so. Obama has ruined this country to a point that we are laughed at like clowns in a 3 ring circus. What next Barry? Going to try and get us all nuked by running your mouth spouting off threats you know youll never back up? Any good red line crossing jokes youd like to share or perhaps famous murderers youd like to appoint to an important position? Mr. So-Called President, you have brought MY country to its knees and made our existence in the world a dangerous one. What happens next when Russia decides to pull a scenario like Red Dawn huh? Will you be offering them Obamacare of they dont leave? And worst of all you and your pack of peace loving, tree-hugging, hippie, utopianists have made that easy enough when you weakened this countries security with your idiotic gun control laws. Maybe you had this all planned all along and this Kabuki Theater is all for show because you know youve sold us out to one country or another and they need you to disarm us so they can march right in and rape us for every resource within our borders and you damn well know that thats exactly how China is going to foreclose on all that money you stole from them knowing full well there is no way any two countries could ever pay that many trillion back. I would be very surprised if this country wasnt in a civil war like many others very soon and since FB is one of the CIAs main tools for data collection, let me make it clear that I do not provocate but just and only just predict this coming based on the fact that this crooked administration cant accept no in their vocabulary and can only strongarm its own people because theyre cowards, plain and simple. They beat up on their own citizens and cower when it comes to dealing with other nations. In beating up on your own people Barry, how does that make you any better than Putin? The only difference is Putin thumbs his nose at you and you grab the jar of Vaseline and lube up for him and expect the rest of this country to do the same. Can this country last the last years of your rule? It takes more than personality to be an effective world leader which you sir are not!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 12:42:26 +0000

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