Well, obviously yesterday was not my best day and yet, thats not - TopicsExpress


Well, obviously yesterday was not my best day and yet, thats not really true, either. Ive had much worse days than that, but I was so tired and unfocused, I really couldnt seem to concentrate on anything for very long and even though I thought I was doing a lot, I could just never seem to catch up, so that has to be the preface to my stupid story, weeping like an idiot, something I almost never do and talk about publicly...so here is the story, sorry so long, but you all took the time to support me, so I think you deserve to know why: The Good, The Bad, The Beautiful, The Ugly, Day: I got up absolutely frigid with cold to find out the heaters were not working properly. I called downstairs to whichever super turned up this time (they have been coming and going like crazy lately) who said hed be up in half an hour. I had to keep adding layers of clothing until I looked like an Eskimo in deepest Antarctica, complete with 3 pairs of knee socks and fleece-lined uggs, a warm ski liner underneath a big knitted hat, my winter coat over two sweaters, well, you get the idea.... Just as I heard a knock on the door, the phone rang..I let the super in and realized it was Tara Azulay downstairs in the Lobby, early to drop off three boxes of toys and games. I left S. upstairs and rushed down to meet Tara. When I say boxes, I should say they were like gigantic delivery boxes filled with toys and one industrial sized garbage bag filled with some great games, including Lego, Leap Frog Learning tools, etc. I realized I couldnt possibly get my them upstairs and just as I thought this, Scott showed up and said he needed more tools and could help me get the toys and games upstairs. He got an industrial sized cart for moving furniture and then helped me get the boxes and bag into the apartment. He said, Wow, what are running up here, a Sally Ann? I was already used to books, toys, etc. laying on every possible surface and piece of furniture. S. is usually a talker, but was particularly silent and sad. I asked him what was wrong, he started to tell me about his predicament and instead of getting ready to go out for a meeting, I sat down and we talked. By then my ride was there to pick me up, so I had to run around getting off my all of my layers, redress and start running down the hall. I didnt even have my leg brace on, I was so out of it...sound of huge crack/snap as I drop to my knees in pain. S. grabs a hold of me and I end up putting on my leg brace while sitting on his moving flat. My ankle hurt so badly, my friend said, Let me see that. It was already starting to puff up and hurt like hell. Luckily, the Queensway Carleton is right nearby so off we went she left me off and I told her I could go home via ParaTranspo, and apologized for obviously having to reschedule our meeting. 3 hours later I return to a warm apartment and Scott standing outside my unit with his toolbox. He looks sooo sad, I cant stand it and invite him in (hey, Im on heavy duty painkillers by now), so he continues his tale of woe which I have to admit made me cry: single father, aged 50-something, two teenaged sons who have lived through their parents fights and going back and forth between the two parents places and have recently gotten into trouble with the law. Scott has just been told he has lost his 14 year job with the company, also has a bad leg and back, just in time for Xmas and they are kicking him out of his free unit on Jan. 4th and he has no place to go...Im sure there are a million sad stories out there at this time of year and lets face it, ALL year (which is a new project I am thinking of starting next year). He has never had any money, but NOW he really has no money and has been dumpster diving for food!!! I give him what I have in my wallet (about $50 bucks) and tell him to buy some food. Then HE starts crying and thank God the phone rings. Cue him exiting... I immediately get on my computer and write the plea on LWL. The is a group that has always given me good advice and supported others whenever I have come to them with some sad stories. Almost right away I started getting offers. Within half an hour or an hour, I knew S. would have his Xmas dinner. By now, I felt exhausted, but I had a bunch of stuff to wrap and literally fell asleep doing it. Im almost done. I went back online to see what was happening and found that horrible PM. I was tired, fed-up and so utterly stunned by the sheer venom and references to things I didnt feel or even know about, that it really just caught me totally by surprise. So to LWL, I go. The response was quick and sooo kind and generous. Catherine Landry wanted to know the name so she could block this person and I almost told her, but remembered a remark I made last week about when someone is unkind or rude to you, how do you handle it. I said I was pretty good at handling this, but really got furious when I see other being bullied. What kind of person would I be if I then turned around and try to understand what was going on in the mind of the bully. People also wanted to know the name of the store in which I had an unpleasant experience last week. I decided not to share their name as well. I have been shopping there for years and never had such treatment and had to stop separate my anger from the one-time experience. I despise when people try to ruin restaurants just because they didnt like their food, staff, service, even though everything had been done to ensure the experience was rectified. I will just say that this is a person who often is contentious and disagreeable. She almost never writes to ME specifically, but she makes petty and unfair comments about many other things people say. I didnt even know what she was talking about since (even though her PM made it hard NOT to understand what the essence of her words were. Mean hearted and troubled and probably living alone because who could stand to be with someone so relentlessly depressing and negative. I have never heard a positive thing come out of her mouth. So , no more words or thoughts should be wasted on her and her problems. Thank you all again and Id better get out there and start moving on with my day!! There is still so much to do and then in 2 days, another incredible event: Jessica Laframboises sensational Country Cook-off to make hampers for those less fortunate in our community. Im there from 12-3...if youre there, Ill be the one playing with the kids and making coffee filter snowflakes!!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:59:19 +0000

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