Well with playoffs starting and us not being in them I think - TopicsExpress


Well with playoffs starting and us not being in them I think everyone could use a little humor. Heres a WhoDat joke for you: So this guy is going to a Saints game and hes sitting way up in the nosebleeds at the Super Dome. Hes enjoying himself, but doesnt have a real great view. About the middle of the first quarter he notices a single seat way down at the bottom, right about on the 45 yard line and just a few rows from the field. So he keeps watching the game and the Saints are winning. The second quarter comes and he notices that seat still is open. So he decides if no one sits in by halftime hes gonna make his way down there to thst seat. Well halftime comes, the saints are leading by 3 points and he decides to make his way down there. He gets there and asks the old man in the seat next to if anyone is sitting in this seat. The old man says nope. It was my wifes seat. Weve had season tickets for 25 years and went to every home game. She recently passed away and this is the first game Ive gone to without her. So the man feels bad and offers his condolences. He asks the old man well dont you have any friends that you could have brought? The old man says yes, I asked all my friends and they were all busy. The guy says well what about kids, dont you have any kids that would want to come? The old man says yes, I have 3 kids and 7 grandkids and none of them could make it. The old man says I tried giving this ticket to everyone I knew, but everybody had something to do today and told me no. The guy says how is that everyone you know is too busy to come to a Saints game with you, especially after your wife just died? The old man says well theyre all at her funeral... Hahaha, thats what you call a diehard! ×DatSwampMonster
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:03:48 +0000

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