Well – I have to say that the relative silence on the post below - TopicsExpress


Well – I have to say that the relative silence on the post below is, if not deafening, disappointing (thank you Lisa M. Jones and Angel R. Rivera for the likes). You know – I was raised to be a Democrat. I still believe in many of the ideals of Democrats at their best. But I’m not a 21st century Democrat. The party line currently makes me nauseous. Nor, however, and I a Republican, as that party is presently constructed, either. If I must define myself politically, I am (as I always have been, and always will be) a Classical Liberal. The same as were the gentlemen who founded our country (not to sound the chauvinist, but ladies were not publicly involved in politics in those days), and as were all of our very best leaders since. I am (at least historically-speaking) in good company. Call me a cynic, but I am having a hard time believing that the “Democrats” of today are not in fact shills for big business (just as are most Republicans) who are basically subsidized to act the progressive/”liberal” clown on powder-puff issues like banning plastic bags from supermarkets, taxing large sugary drinks, and making your vehicles and appliances overcomplicated, overpriced things that beep at you when they think you are doing something wrong – all supposedly for your own safety. These issues not only have no postive effect on the working middle class; they very often have negative and deleterious effects. The 21st century Democratic Party has evolved into a party of self-absorbed, green-consuming nuisances, who think that if they are seen buying the right brand of over-priced Quinoa at Sprouts or Trader Joe’s, they just might look the part in a convincing-enough way. So – for the next little while, my (more or less) serious (or at least topical) posts will center around two pressing domestic issues that Democrats (if they were still worth anything as far as the American working middle class were concerned) SHOULD be focusing on: HOUSING and EDUCATION. Yes there are other issues. Employment and workers’ rights comes to mind. First things first, however. Stay tuned.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 20:09:02 +0000

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