Went to GB Community Church today..love the awesome music and very - TopicsExpress


Went to GB Community Church today..love the awesome music and very nice service. Some people came up to me after and reminded me of the time I fell off the cliff at Chute Pond and fell about 60 feet and landed on my back in between to large boulders. The only thing that saved me was a small tree growing out of the side of the cliff that I hit about half way down. I only remember seeing flashlights coming towards me and someone saying Hes alive! I had a couple scratches and a bruise on my arm. It reminded me of all the crazy stupid things I did in my high school years. I crashed Craig Larsens Camaro trunk first into the side of a hill after spinning out control out by the airport. No license, open intoxicants, 5 people in the car. no one hurt. and I got a speeding ticket, they threw out the no license ticket as my attorney said I was making a valiant effort to get everyone home safely..umm yea that was it. I also recently had someone tell my their main memory of me from Southwest(other than rarely making it beyond the parking lot) was watching my hair drag on the ground as I rode on the back of Jeff Boers motorcycle while he did wheelies up and down Packerland drive. No helmets of course. Another time I was at our weekly half barrel party where my main responsibility was to grab the rented tapper if the cops came so we wouldnt lose the deposit. I got really good at avoiding capture and kind of made a name for myself in doing so. Until the time some guy (cant remember who) was racing away from the party in his car and flipped me ass over tea kettle over the hood and threw me into a pine tree. Again a few scratches but I held on to the tap. Probably forgetting some other stuff but you get the picture. Then I started thinking of my friend from Chicago St pub who slipped on the last 2 stairs at his home falling awkwardly and is currently quadriplegic. Although if anyone can overcome and walk again its him! It makes you wonder why things happen the way they do. Is it random or according to some masterplan? God, the arrogance and cluelessness of youth (my youth anyway)
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 14:38:21 +0000

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