Were guessing exactly none of you have missed the furore being - TopicsExpress


Were guessing exactly none of you have missed the furore being dubbed #gamergate. Amidst the debate, though, one thing has always been clear: arguments on the internet can turn ugly, fast. Internet harassment can happen to anyone whos expressed an opinion of any kind online - even seemingly non-controversial ones. But one thing is becoming depressingly clear, despite many vehement denials: If were talking internet abuse, young women have it worst. Pew has now compiled a whole bunch of statistics about this kind of harassment in handy dandy infographic form. Apart from the obvious young women bear the brunt, you might be interested to know that when it comes to harassment like name-calling, the gender split is actually about even, and that younger people tend to be hit with more harassment than older people. Now you can go into your next internet debate armed with Sources - youre welcome! Just remember: If you bring up Hitler, you lose.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 06:45:07 +0000

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