Weve been following a very special little boy through some serious - TopicsExpress


Weve been following a very special little boy through some serious health issues...He just received his heart transplant about a week ago. Here is an update from his family- Dear Team Zak: Zaks mom wrote a post today that I want to share with you (see end of this post). Throughout this time, I have tried to share with everyone the emotions, highs and lows from this experience. One area that I have not discussed much is one that many dont see on these pages and that is the very real financial concerns that a family in this situation faces. In Zaks case, his Mom is on unpaid medical leave so that she can be with Zak. Add to this the medical costs (even with insurance), transportation, hospital meals, and the expenses accumulate quickly. In this family, it is further intensified because of the medical needs of Zaks older brother, Quest (who has already been hospitalized this year with complications from a tonsillectomy and HCM) and Zaks Dad, on disability for his own HCM, and hospitalized even when the call came for his sons transplant. It is because of donations made to the Childrens Organ Transplant Association (COTA) in Honor of Zak M that Zaks Mom can be with him during this time. If you would like to help during this difficult time, please consider making a donation to COTA in Honor of Zak M at cotaforzakm. Please just click on the blue donation button and please know that any amount means so much in helping Zak have his Mom with him during this time and the next critical months. Our heartfelt appreciation and thanks for helping this overwhelmed family! Please share! -------------------- From Zaks Mom: To those of you who have donated to COTA along the way - please know it is because of those donations that Ive been able to stay with Zak these past 16 days, and will be able to be with him at the upcoming visits and biopsies as well. Thank you so much for your generosity.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:36:50 +0000

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